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Musaigen no Phantom World – 01

10( click on the image ; )
Maicchi can be scary at times, but nevertheless very cute!
You asked for Limbo? Here it is and Maicchi’s solo performance. itsP’s gift for you. Lann094’s gift for you.

More Phantoms! | More Action! | v2 Patch

P.S. We are looking for a translator that will translate ecchi specials, OVAs or anime series. The chances of picking up ecchi shows in the future will decrease if we can’t find one.

Edit: We didn’t wanna use the CR video because it wasn’t that great, see for yourself, CR vs BS11, if you really don’t see it, look at the 1080p version here. Noticed the broken fields (black lines)? We also translated and did typeset all the signs, thus more delay on the release.
File was v2d to fix the missing font and TS bugs.

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