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Musaigen no Phantom World – 12


(click ; )

Maicchi is so cute and all, but now she and Team E are worried about Haruhiko!

More Phantoms! | More Action!

P.S. We found a TLer, but now we need at least one more TSer and TV encoder so many more titles can be released by us! But even if you are not, you are more than welcome to join us!

28 comments to Musaigen no Phantom World – 12

  • Gremory

    His mom is pretty. I guess women leave when you work too much ….good or bad

  • Gremory

    Mai is cute but REina is cutter<3

  • Haruhiko has all these girls worried about him now. XD

  • Pooh

    “Isn’t that Pooh”?

    congrats, chihiro-subs has finally become Commie-subs

    • Lann094

      This is actually a refinement over what CR had, in my opinion. Here’s the note I left after I made the edit:
      “This joke does not transfer to english at all, so I’ll explain it in hopes someone will have another idea. Basically she doesn’t know the word “enigma” since it’s english, and hears it as “Eniguma,” which is how you would describe a bear of the “eni” kind (Eni-kuma). The joke is that she’s asking what kind of bear an “eni” is, but I can’t think of any better way to convey this over what CR had.”

      If you can think of something better to describe it, feel free to let us know and we’ll use it in the batch. I wasn’t happy with it either, but was completely stumped with what to put.

  • BeerWench

    “Simple gma=guma=kuma=bear”

    From what Lann094 said, this we already get. The part that needs refinement is how to convey: “Enigma -> Eni-Kuma” into a joke understandable to English speakers. Perhaps Care Bears instead of Pooh? Maybe Eni -> Any , Any Bear? What Bear!

    Forgive if my comment is ignorant of content, I’ve not watched the ep to know in what context the joke was said.

    • Gremory

      maybe I’m mr.obvious but i felt like adding that.
      any bear? is a good one beer

    • Lann094

      Thanks for the suggestions, BeerWench. I didn’t consider the relation between “eni” and “any”… well spotted! Though I think the issue there is it doesn’t fit the dialogue, since we as English speakers hear “Enigma” being said, so translating it to “Any bear” wouldn’t sound right. And Care Bears are a bit random, though it’s somewhat possible to mishear “Enigma” as “Winniegma” (This was in the episode, I understand you didn’t watch it).

      My other thought was to make it just “”Enigma”? Is that some kind of bear?” It doesn’t entirely translate, but I guess it’s better. ┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌

      • Tekeli-lY

        Would a good ‘ol fashion TL NOTE be enough…? While leaving it as eni-guma/kuma in them subs? Or something…?

        • Lann094

          “ol’ fashion” is the operative phrase there: TL Notes are dead. 😛 They’ve become seriously frowned upon, and rightfully so imo.

          • Gremory

            the reason why is cause they hate learning , stupidity is a bliss isn’t it. i actually like this notes. sometimes there always some news things to be learned.

      • BeerWench

        You are welcome. You’re right, Care Bears was purely random on my part, it was just the first thing that came to my mind after reading your comment. As simply an alternative to Pooh if applicable.
        If “Winniegma” is mentioned in the dialogue would “Win Bear” or “Winter Bear” work. Or if we have to work with just “Enigma” would Eni->Inner (Inner Bear) work?

        “”Enigma”? Is that some kind of bear?” From what I understand of our conversation about the matter, I like this the most. It’s a blunt joke relying on the viewer to know a bit of Japanese to work. Probably the best for keeping the spirit of the joke alive but I would have to agree that it still doesn’t come off as being overly funny.

  • Bunny

    I haven’t really been following this show, so I don’t know if the bear part is important to the character (although from what Gremory said it sounds like it is), but if you want the mishearing a foreign word feel, you could try the french mystère misheard as “miss stair” or something like that.

    Although now that I’ve typed it out it just sounds dumb :/

    Out of curiosity, what was Crunchy’s line?

    • Gremory

      Come on bunny lol.
      her ep said so.
      it is so important to her character.

      for example.

      her surname/family(last) name, favorite food,
      birth place, favorite animal , her “best friend” (the plushie) all have one thing in common = kuma=bear<3

      • doom doom bah

        Can you actually understand context of posts you replied to? No that scene is not that important for kurumi character, it does not involve any character development at all. Is just for enforcing what we knew about her, she always talk, think about bear (kuruma). Not that a big deal to be honest to use pooh but better/accurate translation is always appreciated.

        Anyway thanks chihiro for the release.

    • Gremory

      i think chihiro wants a common english word feel.

  • Havok

    torrent links are broken? Can’t get any of them to work

  • Mirai

    “Enigma”? Isn’t that the Cornetto bear?

    Not “that” Enigma bear.

    It also stands for “riddle” in Ancient Greek.

    Moreover it’s the name of a World War II cryptographic device,

    as well as an orchestral work.

    It would make sense for her to know most if not all bears.

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