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Mayoiga – 03


(mfw not enough screen time for best girl this episode)

Torrent | Usenet | V2 patch to fix a typo and an error

Note: Guys, we’re still looking for more manpower, currently we are recruiting Cappers, Encoders, TLers, Editors, TSers, QCers.

25 comments to Mayoiga – 03

  • Thank you! I do like Koharun. =D

  • Ren

    Thank You
    I like Mai Mai. I hope I know her name not handling name

  • Chabel10

    Thank you very much guys, but I don’t understand the similarities between Jack’s name and Hyoukitsu’s name. Can anyone illustrate that to me, please!

  • dreamer2908

    Just wanna say that I’ve released a new version of the patch creator here:
    (Also in SourceForge

    • Thanks a lot, dreamer2908. We miss you.
      And yes, it’s your patcher that’s always been used by us. Also does the new version support special characters now? Because the old one didn’t.

      • dreamer2908

        OK… Version 2.0.0 has a critical bug. I hope no one used it yet.

        I’ve released v2.1.0 here:

        With this version, users now can drag and drop source file on applying scripts to apply patch. Source file can be anywhere, unrelated to the patch’s location. There’s no need to copy or move the source file anymore.

        As for the issue you mention (with Netoge no Yome ep 01v2, I supposed), it seems to be a weird bug that only happens in Windows. I’ll look into it sometime later. For the time being, running it in Linux or Mac can “fix” it.
        I’ve made a patch for Netoge no Yome ep 01v2 here:!khxjhazA!F9pP_BS_TqRZSSJcs96uvSwHBGzipOywqVuTTCN0xGQ
        (Drag’n’drop tested in Windows 7 and Linux Mint 17.3)

        • Thanks for the new version.
          Also I’ve tested that patch on win7 x64, it’s not working.

          • dreamer2908

            After some tests, I concluded that the problem is in xdelta3, as it can’t access any file with any of <>:"/\|?* in filename, even though these are valid characters for filename.
            I’ve made v2.2.0-beta with a trick to handle these files:

            I’ve tested the above 01v2 patch again in Windows 10 Pro 64-bit and it’s working. So, dunno.

            • OK, I tried it, it seems to be creating patches but I can’t test them. Windows still refuses to apply them when they have a special character. The .bat files don’t work.

              • dreamer2908

                You can try this: rename the file to something simple like 01.mkv and drag’n’drop it on apply_patch_windows.bat. If it’s working then the patch is all right.
                Otherwise, blame Microsoft.

                • Okay, I found a way to make it work on windows, the bat needs to be changed, though.
                  See here:

                  I added:

                  REN *.mkv old.mkv

                  at the beginning then I changed the first line:

                  set sourcefile=old.mkv
                  set targetfile=[Ecchihiro]_Netoge_no_Yome_wa_Onnanoko_ja_Nai_to_Omotta?_-_01v2_[720p_Hi10P_AAC][56298581].mkv

                  and at the end, I changed this:

                  chdir /d "%WORKINGDIR%"
                  chcp %cp%>nul
                  (call )
                  goto :eof

                  to this:

                  chdir /d "%WORKINGDIR%\old"
                  REN old.mkv [Ecchihiro]_Netoge_no_Yome_wa_Onnanoko_ja_Nai_to_Omotta?_-_01_[720p_Hi10P_AAC][D232A51F].mkv
                  chcp %cp%>nul
                  (call )
                  goto :eof

                • dreamer2908

                  Hm… That works, so it means the line “set sourcefile=[Ecchihiro]_Netoge_no_Yome_wa_Onnanoko_ja_Nai_to_Omotta?_-_01_[720p_Hi10P_AAC][D232A51F].mkv” somehow breaks.
                  But the next line is more or less the same, and it doesn’t break.

                  I suspect the reason is the effect of the line before them “chcp 65001>nul” is delayed for whatever reason.

                  The bat file for non-ascii filenames must be in UTF-8, and you must change the codepage to 65001 (UTF-8) in the beginning, before the appearance of any non-ascii characters (the two filenames, in this case).

                  Adding some dummy lines (a single one is most likely enough) after “chcp 65001>nul” will probably fix this. Like this:

                  Or better, 1 second of delay: ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul

                • dreamer2908

                  You know, it’s impossible to figure out what happened with this little information. And my patience is running out.

                  1. Add pause to :gtfo function to keep the window open after the script ends, like this: . Run the script normally and show me the output. I need to know the actual error; “not working” is meaningless and useless.

                  2. Make a copy of the source file and name it 01.mkv. Put it somewhere far away from the patch folder, i.e different partition. Drag and drop it on the script (with pause added) and show me the output. I need to know if the body of the script is working normally or not.

                  3. Run these and show me the output: (two chcp commands added), (1 sec delay with ping). I need to know if chcp’s effect is really slow or not.

                  4. No, :gtfo is to clean up and restore the console environment (WORKINGDIR, codepage, and error level). You can add stuff at the beginning of it, but don’t change anything below. WORKINGDIR is usually not the same as patch dir, like in batch patch, WORKINGDIR is the parent of patch dir. If the source file is in patch dir then old dir is inside patch dir, which is “%~dp0\old”. If it’s in somewhere else, and you drag and drop it, the old dir is in source file’s dir. After the script body finishes, variable olddir contains the old dir address, wherever it is.

                  • I’ll look into it tomorrow.

                  • dreamer2908

                    OK. Then pls also run this and show me the output: (two lines moved up to where they should be, before the two filenames).

                  • dreamer2908

                    I’ve made a new beta release:

                    This version brings a new enhancement: PowerShell applying script as the default code path in Windows.

                    PowerShell is installed by default in Windows 7 and later. It has native Unicode support and should work in a more consistent and reliable way than normal Windows shell.

                    Users should still run apply_patch_windows.bat as usual. If PowerShell is installed (in default location), it will switch to the subscript (subscript1.ps1). Otherwise, the normal legacy code path is used.

                    The downside is that the patch will be a bit slower, as PowerShell’s initialization can take up to a few seconds.

                    If this version works then you don’t need to test stuff above.

                    • Thanks, this new beta works. I tried the creation and apply.
                      It’s not really slower.
                      Also perhaps you should update the “how_to_apply_this_patch.txt” with powershell download links for non-windows 7+ users.
                      And win10 users might be able to use .sh scripts in the future.

                    • dreamer2908

                      OK. Here (readme changes and version bump):
                      I was testing in virtual machines so the slowdown is quite noticeable. It doesn’t matter in real machines, I guess.


    Thank you soooo much!

  • Fallanx

    yes I know this is a stupid question but how do you apply the patch?

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