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Current Status of the Delayed Shows

(Chihiro’s staff, and I am finally included)

These past couple of months I have seen many people asking for updates on why this or that title hasn’t been released yet. With that in mind, I’ve decided to write a post to sum everything up. So, here we go:

Jitsu wa Watashi wa episodes 10-13: Stuck at TS/QC, will be released with BD encodes.

Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko wa ja Nai to Omotta episode 12: Stuck at TS and applying QC.

Taboo Tattoo episodes 7-12: Stuck at TS and applying QC.

Now they’re stuck because one of our key member is temporarily unavailable due to personal reasons, yet he’s still working on them but slowly, until he comes back. So please be patient guys.

P.S. I haven’t has the chance to say it, but this season I’ve decided to work on BDs, so if you happen to notice any kind of error in any of our releases, please tell us here. We hope you’ll help us find things we haven’t fixed yet.

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