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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! 12

And with this, we’re done! Thank you to all the staff who worked on it.

1080p Torrent

With this, time to announce our summer plans:
Show #1: Hataraku Maou-sama Season 2.2 Still need to figure out what we’re officially calling this since its official title is Hataraku Maou-sama!! Season 2, despite being season 3.
Show #2: Liar Liar
Side Show: Ayakashi Triangle. I was doing this solo just for my own enjoyment when the first half aired in January, so we’re going to finish it up as me + a QC. New episodes air starting mid-August, but 1-6 are mostly done and should see releases until then.

Of note, I will be on vacation in Japan from 7/13 to 7/27. This may mean the first episodes may have stalls until August depending of staff stuff.

1 comment to Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! 12

  • Fallanx

    Just a heads up supposedly the re-aired Ayakashi triangle has less censoring(doubt it though) and thanks for sticking around sadly good sub groups are in short supply nowadays, please stay alive

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