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Madougushi Dahlia wa Utsumukanai 12

This show sucked. The first couple and the last 2 episodes were decent but the middle was some of the worst anime I’ve seen since Shana Season 2. If this gets a S2 you can be assured we will not be doing it.

1080p Torrent

7 comments to Madougushi Dahlia wa Utsumukanai 12

  • mleodaalder

    Thank you all for persevering! I had high hopes for this anime (I love the manga). My personally most distracting animation ‘decision’ were the static shadows on characters, regardless of windows or other light sources.

  • Tappen999

    I agree. Although I like the light novels it is not a story that lends itself to animation and then they made it even worse with very low quality. Even some poor anime can at least let you enjoy the other media more because they give you a color picture of the characters to imagine but I just want to remove these pictures from my brain.

  • Gordon Shumway

    What it needed was more random cut-aways to an outside window, with some leaves lying on the sill.

    Or not. (What was the point of that repeated still shot, except to kill a few seconds?) I thought the series had great potential, but the story never went anywhere. Too bad.

  • SpacemanSpiff

    Watch it and file it in the annals of anime fansubber history. lol

    Thanks to everyone involved!

  • skyhack

    Thanks for the release. I’m now going to go out and buy some magic infused five-toed socks, so I too, can conquer the world.

  • Enamelthyst

    If you plan to buy those five-toed socks, you’d better make sure that you carefully read through the terms and conditions that come with them, run that paperwork by your lawyer, file the receipt in triplicate, make common-sense preparations to bring legal action against the manufacturer should the socks fail to perform as advertised, write a post-use performance report each time you wear the socks and make sure that it’s notarized just in case, and fully research all rules of social engagement at every future event you ever attend to ensure that wearing or talking about your magic-infused five-toed socks is socially acceptable.

    Always remember: Dahlia teaches us that all relationships are purely transactional, and any form of human connection not grounded in at least a week’s worth of paperwork signed and witnessed by both parties is doomed to failure. Your friends are only as good as the number of forms they can fill out, and your value as a person is measured by the reams of official documentation you accrue over the course of your life, which serve to prove that you mattered. There is no other criterion of success.

  • skyhack

    Well, I was a government employee, so I kinda understand where they get the reams of paperwork thing.

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