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Asu no Yoichi – DVD Batch Reseed

Reseed requested by Darkleo.

Torrent: 480P


PS: Happy Birthday, begna112

Asu no Yoichi DVD Batch Released!

OK, we’re done. ^^

As per usual, TV h.264 versions have been removed from bots and are no longer supported.

Torrent: She’s obviously talking about Soichiro.

Asu no Yoichi 08 DVD Released!

The race is on. Will Asu DVDs finish first, or will Hayate BDs arrive first?

Torrent: ^^;;

Asu no Yoichi 07 Released!

So I was looking for a screenshot and found this lulz engrish.

Torrent: Reminds me of Natume.

Asu no Yoichi 06 DVD Released!

With the new super computer, Soi is going crazy with encodes. So, we get the drunken loli. ^^

Torrent: Loli!

Asu no Yoichi! – 05 DVD

So, I woke up this morning, and there was talk about the Asu no Yoichi DVDs. I thought it was a little random, but I answered anyways.

Then this afternoon I looked at the topic and saw this episode was uploaded. So, :fail:

Torrent: I just thought this picture was pretty.


Asu no Yoichi! – 04 DVD

Why the delay? Because this was the last priority. It was behind Hayate and ef BDs, so it had no hope of progress until ef was done.

Torrent: Why can’t I even recall her name?

Asu no Yoichi! – 03 DVD


Torrent: Meep!

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