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Hayate no Gotoku! Movie – BD Reseed

Reseed requested by Shin Asuka.

Torrent 480p | Torrent 720p | Torrent 1080p

Hayate no Gotoku!! 2nd Season – BD Batch Reseed

Reseed requested by Shin Asuka.

Torrent 720p | Torrent 1080p

Hayate no Gotoku! Heaven is a Place on Earth – Blu-ray

  As per usual, we are extremely late with Hayate. Sorries! Though we’re not doing any more Hayate after this, unless JC Staff or Synergy SP decide to make a season 3 that actually follows the manga plot.

1080p – Torrent

720p – Torrent

480p – Torrent


Hayate no Gotoku Hina-Ray Batch Released!

Well, finally, we can say goodbye to Hayata and friends. Been a good ride. As per usual, 720p TV is no longer supported and has been removed from bots.

1080p: H-I-N-A!

720p: Hinagiku! Hai hai!

Hayate no Gotoku 2nd Season Hina Ray 24 released!

1 more to go. Apparently there are some minor encoding errors in earlier episodes of something, so we’ll probably hold off on a final batch for a little bit while we fix it.

AKA, I don’t know. Soi’ll just tell me when to batch it and I will.

1080p: HINA!

720p: Hinagiku!


Hayate no Gotoku 2nd Season 23 Magic Mint Ray Released!

Well, 2 more episodes to go.

BTW, throughout this, I’ve seen comments like: “Please seed the earlier episodes!” “Will you make a batch? I can’t get the earlier episodes otherwise!”

Seriously… If you ask us those questions, ask yourself these: Has chihiro ever answered a reseeding request? CM: Not like we can really […]

Hayate no Gotoku 22 Cerise Ray Released!

If your question is about a spring series, the answer is “Final QC, should be out tomorrow night.”

1080p: I haven’t even heard of half these colors…

720p: What color is it? Oh, it’s Cerise!

Hayate no Gotoku 2nd Season 21 Cat ray released!

More cats? O.O

1080p: That must be a nice view

720p: Though it’s so dark the cat must not be seeing anything…

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