And we’re done! I’ve actually been working on this BD since last August, but things kept getting in the way. Big thanks to kouhai for giving it a QC pass.
Few changes/notes from the original version: 1. Previews have been added. They weren’t cut in the original, they just were Web previews. 2. There’s […]
And we’re done! It’s actually been 4 years and 9 months since we last completed a series on time, so yay us! Thank you to all the staff who participated!
We will be doing the Blu-rays with a few fixes, along with an SD version. If there was an error in any episode, please […]
ddr, please either rejoin the Chihiro discord or add me as a friend @ Meliran#2726 . I can’t DM you otherwise.
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Some episodes, it is a struggle to find a release pic. Then there is an episode like this one which has a bunny girl, Halkra, and the daughters being totally squee.
Little delayed due to uni work. Should be smooth sailing from here on out. o7
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Thanks to some hard work, we managed to bring you this at the speed of Light!
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I thought we were only subbing one magical girl show this season, not two.
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NOTE: Next week’s episode may be delayed due to real life stuff.
Nipaa nano desu~
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LightArrowsEXE — Yesterday at 6:48 PM wtf why does Halkara get all the randomly good bits of character animation Kristen — Yesterday at 6:52 PM Because her boobs add to the animation
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