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The World God Only Knows – Kanon 100% – Blu-Ray

Kanon! Kanon! Kanon! Kanon! Kanon! Kanon! Kanon! Kanon! Kanon! Kanon!

Torrent 720p | Torrent 1080p

This episode got many changes, it was re-tlcd, re-edited, re-QCed, the signs were completely redone and the karaokes were redone and/or improved. Creditless OP & ED are split into the episode (thanks d1st).

Edit: Expect a bit of delays for […]

The World God Only Knows – Goddesses Arc – Batch Released!

Finally, the batch! ^^

Torrent | Usenet

Edit: Patches in the comments, thanks to Krom

The World God Only Knows – Idol-ray Released!

Many changes in this release: new TS, new KFx, new Edit/QC, etc.

Torrent 720P | Torrent 1080P Usenet 720P | Usenet 1080P

The World God Only Knows – Kanon 100% HDTV – Released!

Easter egg in this post.

Torrent | Usenet




[12:59] <&Kuzu> KANON 100% TAIYOU REVOLUTION [12:59] <&Kuzu> NIJI NO ROLLER COASTER [12:59] <&Kuzu> SAA IKU YO [12:59] <&Kuzu> KANON 100% RIBBON REVOLUTION

The World God Only Knows – Tenri-ray Released!

First of a few things we’re planning to do between now and our Fall show. This is the same Tenri arc, except now it’s in HD, or 1080p, and has some improvements TS wise and I think karaoke wise.

1080p: Torrent | Usenet

720p: Torrent | Usenet


The World God Only Knows – Goddesses Arc – 12 Released!

It’s over ;.;

Torrent | Usenet

Thanks to everyone who worked on it and also The_Pretender for this week’s songs.

Batch with lots of fixes, soon.

The World God Only Knows adaptation

I haven’t made an actual blog post in a while, but I thought I should. Nothing important is in here, just an analysis.


The World God Only Knows – Goddesses Arc – 11 Released!

Issho ni Training Ofuro: Bathtime with Ayumi ^^

Torrent | Usenet





Edit: Sorry but no more usenet releases since we couldn’t find anyone.

Edit 2: Seems Ishouni uploaded it for you on usenet, thanks to him.

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