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Da Capo II Second Season – 06 (Real 720p)


This came by luck, video quality is meh… But yeah, for all you 720p whores. It’s here.

h264: Here

XviD: Here

Note from Kristen: This was a royal PAIN to encode. Stupid VFR…

15 comments to Da Capo II Second Season – 06 (Real 720p)

  • Bullet kun

    finaly 720p goodness:-D Thanks Chihiro!

  • EcchiMan

    so there are 4 formats now?
    H.264 720 p blablabla
    H.264 (ehm how to call thiz one)
    and Real Media??

    question: why? >.< or was it just for thiz ep?
    oh btw thnx 4 the subs ๐Ÿ˜›


    When is episode 7 coming out?

  • Nagisa

    estimated time on when Episode 7?

  • Maniac

    if it was VFR to begin with why did you break the 29.97 sections by forcing them to 23.976 fps? now the ED stutters (whereas the unofficial version someone else released properly uses VFR).

  • cinghsian

    When are you going to release episode 7?

  • Jaka

    Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after…

    These few weeks have been hell for us.

    The arrests of the cappers have fucked our schedules up big time.

  • Nagisa

    that suxs big time

  • Kristen

    Maniac, it’s because this is the only way I know how to use VFR. If you tell me the right method, I’d gladly start doing it, assuming that it’s doesn’t slow down the encoding from like 12 fps to 3 or whatever.

  • Maniac

    Oh, sure, not a problem!

    use this command line to get the timecodes from the original mkv:
    mkvextract timecodes_v2 “your_input_mkv_file.mkv” track_ID_of_your_video_stream:”your_output_timecodes_file.txt”

    now demux the video track to straight h264

    then remux just the video track to an MKV *without* the timecodes. (this will desync your video, but that’s ok!) use any FPS it doesn’t matter, you can leave it blank.

    now open the video in megui/avisynth

    encode it

    now mux it back into mkv but this time use the timecodes file!

  • Maniac

    oops hit submit by accident

    timecodes can be found on the general track options for your video track.

    then mux and you’ll be all set, your audio and video should be in sync just fine and VFR content will be preserved.

  • Maniac

    you can also get the timecodes from mkvextractgui using these settings:
    MKVextractGUI, you have to select Options -> Time -> Timecodes and it will extract timecodes automatically.

  • Kristen

    I’ll have to try that one day. This week’ll be the same, since I see a 720p now. However, I’ll be trying that method later.

  • Maniac

    It’ll probably take you a total of 5 minutes longer if it goes smoothly, lol. It’s pretty straight-forward.

  • thyforallthefish

    bye the way: thanks again for subbing da capo II Sec.S.
    Yep, I am still not quite sure whether the 720p-version _in_this_particular_case_ is really that much better than the “SD”-version – but if it’s there when I attempt to download -> I’ll gladly go for it.

    And I didn’t run into any weird problems, I guess.

    Anyway If this is remotely interesting for you: here is how “low I can go” with
    And if not hasted by too many processes in the background even my oldy-laptop ((’04 Centrino-1 with P.-M1,4GHz/Banias; radeonM10/ free radeon drivers)) still manages somehow – apart from few (not you ones) encodes with really heavy OP/ED (hard-) subtitle animations where the sync goess off and the image sometimes begins to stutter, sometimes (a quick seek back/forth and this is fixed in time for the “real” content – my desktop however won’t bother with any let-downs, at all (’06 C2D-E6400, nvidia CS-drivers)
    – both running Ubuntu/Hardy (08-04) with only the “official” main and universe/multiverse repositories, software used: gmplayer, compiz/Gnome (3D desktop effects) running on both. decoder-codec vor video is AFAIK ffmpeg on both systems.
    The only thing I am “kind of” missing is coloured / live-modified subtitles for the speech / that said, I am happy enough the stuff works this well. And no – I won’t consider booting into Windows for watching anime fansubs. That’s something that’s reserved for liveforspeed – only.

    Hope this is not considered spam and thanks again for subbing DC2-Sec.S!

    till next episode

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