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Da Capo II Second Season – TV Batch Reseed

  Reseed requested by Anon.

  Torrent h264 | Torrent XviD  

Da Capo II Second Season – h.264 TV Batch

Our first completed series is now finally, complete. All batches out, all episodes done, and we don’t need to touch it anymore.

This is a dual language release, partnered with Genesis fansubs for French subtitles. Thanks to them!

Also, we have been doing a lot of downloading on older episodes to make a full […]

Da Capo II Second Season – XviD TV Batch

So, with our first and only completed series so far, we make a batch. Yay!

This is the XviD batch. They are all 1280X720 XviDs with hardsubbed subtitles. We will have the h.264’s soon, but I have to do something with them first. Expect them is a day or two.



Da Capo II Second Season – 13 (720p)

We’re done! Well, almost. Still have batches to do. XviD batch should be coming shortly. We need to wait for 1 thing extra before we release the h.264 batch, so I’d expect that in a few days.

By the way, a ton of thanks to Anime Share Fansub for the kara these past two […]

Da Capo II Second Season – 12 (720p)

Yay! It’s done! Sorry about the delay, we just had some encoding issues. Anyways, right back on track now, and 13 should be out shortly, followed by the batch (Probably XviD first with h.264 a few days later. Again, another surprise there)

So, do I want to rant about something? I guess that would […]

Da Capo II Second Season – 13

So, we did it. We subbed our first show from end to end. 13 episodes of glory, and a series that can finally be attached to our name. “Who subbed DCIISS?” people will ask. And they will respond “Chihiro!” :p But, it feels good to know that we’re now a real group, not just […]

Da Capo II Second Season – 12

So, we’re right on time as has been the case for the past few weeks. 1 more episode and we’ve done our first series from end to end.

To be honest, it was a lot more fun subbing this than True Tears back in the day. This had many less lines, it as more […]

Da Capo II Second Season – 11 (720p)

Normally I rant and rave about something in this post, but I really don’t have anything to rant and rave about… Maybe I could talk about swimming pools? And how my parents cannot understand that I hate the pool, and I hate tanning, so I’m forced to choose the lesser of two evils every […]

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