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Tearmoon Empire Story Blu-ray Batch

Anne is, without a doubt, the best girl.

Big shoutout to Soi and Tana who provided song TLs and QCs for this. This wasn’t an easy show to QC due to the formal dialogue! I did the other stuff in the episodes.

1080p Torrent

PS – I purchased this BD and will upload […]

Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete Blu-ray Batch

Best line in the entire series.

Yes, this is as uncensored as it can get.

1080p Torrent

Hige Wo Soru. Soshite Joshikosei Wo Hirou. Blu-ray Batch

Won’t you take me home with you?

This is a show I always imagined subbing when it aired, but we were otherwise preoccupied with other shows. Now, we finally went and did it. Experimented with a few things here like minimizing style counts and using more masks for my typesetting.

Staff: Song TL (Including […]

Hidan no Aria AA Blu-ray Batch


The subs included here have some corrections from the TV script. I also took out that stupid paper airplane drawing from the ED and fixed the OP to have a proper gradient and fixed k-timing.

1080p Torrent

Hiki Vampire Blu-ray Batch

Best villain.

These subs got a large overhaul thanks to the combined efforts of charon and Tanasinn. Bit shoutout to them!

1080p Torrent

Macross Delta Blu-ray Batch

Let’s never do this again.

Huge shout out to Raijenki (timing) and Soichiro (QC) who helped make this happen. I took care of OCR (episode 13+), edits (episode 10+), encodes, kfx (new ones episode 9+), and other menial tasks. Song TLs after episode 9 primarily came from the Macross wiki, so thank you to […]

Princess Lover Blu-ray Batch

So this is actually our longest stalled project, and one I think everyone forgot about. We released a couple of uncensored DVDs and then nothing more for like… 13.5 years. They later came out with a BD batch (this show aired in HD) so we’ll just do that instead.

I went through and changed […]

Kimizero Blu-ray Batch

So I bought this BD set. My motive was quite honestly that I just wanted to put the OP English lyrics on the bottom right instead of getting jammed up top by the credits. But either way, with a BD we could do a BD release!

I wanted to cover all bases since I […]

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