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Da Capo II Second Season – 10 (720p)


OK, high resolution release for all of you. ๐Ÿ™‚ New encoder for this episode, so tell me how he did.

Anyways, there is no macross this week, so I really don’t want to hear “When’ll macross be released!” Delayed for soccer. Speaking of soccer, I’m personally cheering for Sweden. So, support Chihiro! Cheer for Sweden!

Also, speaking of “support”, I’ve heard a lot of people PM me asking about donations. To donate to Chihiro, there are two ways. First, donate something tangible to us, such as a server, a domain name we can use to redirect ( looks to be juicy. XD), your time to learn how to do a various job in fansubbing, a vibrator, etc. The second way is if you want to make a monetary donation. To donate to us that way, there’s a simple process. Go to the nearest movie theater to you. The men standing behind the desk are our representatives. Give them your donation. Then, tell them a name of a movie you’d like to see. As our thanks, we will give you a free movie ticket! Aren’t we so nice.

h.264: Here

XviD: Here

10 comments to Da Capo II Second Season – 10 (720p)

  • Bullet kun

    Thanks Kristen HD Da Capo 2 SS 10.I thought no body will released a RAW 720p Da Capo 2 10 WOOh.keep it Chihiro-subsxD By the way will u be doing Ikkitousen Great Guardians?

  • EcchiMan

    nooo leave Ikki Tousen alone ! ๐Ÿ˜›
    and sweden not gonna win! XD
    btw here is a question since im archieving dcIIss
    which is better xvid or h.264? since they both look the same xcept for file size
    only in ep1 i noticed the difference between xvid / h.264 coz xvid was kinda blocky in the first few seconds and h.264 wasnt

  • Nagisa

    Thanks guys. Keep up the good work!

  • O_O

    H264 IS THE BEST!!!!

  • Nagisa

    ppl like H.264 and some like Xvid. All depends on ur perfence

  • EcchiMan

    omg u guys dun help at all !! ๐Ÿ˜›
    juz answer thiz question is there or is there not a difference in the xvid / h.264 720p?
    coz if there aint.. ill pick xvid for the smaller filesize get it?

  • Kristen

    h.264 is “better picture quality” from what I’ve heard. On the other hand, most groups will release 720p h.264, and 396p (Well, usually 400p) XviD, so it’s a matter of h.264 or an upscale from them. To be honest, I really cannot tell a difference between our h.264 and XviD versions at all because we encode them at the same resolution. So, the difference is whether you prefer softsubbed files with the h.264, or hardsubbed files you can play on a TV with the XviD.

  • AlfaTimer

    Thx guys ๐Ÿ™‚
    Sweden is probably gonna lose… Zlatan hit o Zlatan dit….

  • naga

    or how about u guys accept the money, and with taht money we can buy servers and domains and stuff or whatever u want.

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