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Vampire Knight – 12






Well, here’s your yaoi fix.

XviD: Here

H264: Here

36 comments to Vampire Knight – 12

  • Velf

    YAY!!! Thanks folks, been pinging your site daily waiting for this.

  • Jonas

    …Those pictures make you guys look like a bunch of fags… Geeze. I think I’ll stick with Shoku-dan’s subs. They’re quality and don’t steal from other fansubbing sites. That’s just low. =_=

  • Soonas

    I don’t think it’s called stealing. The raws are also not shoku-dan’s, they instead belong to the japan tv station airing the series and the producers themselves.

  • anonymus1

    @ Jonas’ comments : Oh nooo one less leecher for Chihiro whatever shall we do!!!!!!!!! Good riddance I say. FYI Chihiro = SPEED SUB not quality subs. If you’re looking for quality you are at the wrong place

    Anyways thanks for the subs. 1 more episode to go!

  • Jonas

    I’m not a leecher. Chihiro’s half-assed subs aren’t my time to download. I watch them online. And they’re pretty hard to find smothered in Shoku-dan releases.

    Besides, who in their right mind wouldn’t want to wait an extra half hour for the quality release? 30 mins before a quality fansub group… And you call yourselves a speedsub group? Hah!

  • Reki

    Did someone seriously admit they have no idea how to use IRC?


  • ASFA

    i wont be surprise if this thing happens, its normal in fansubbing that this to happen. this the reason why some fansub group, that dont want others to stole their karas, hardsubbed the kara, and also hardsub their subtitle eventhough they release their fansub in mkv format. (eg. the triad’s kaiji) i know their sub would be used by others but they would put more time timing the sub and making their own karas.

    one thing to learn from this, never put any important stuff (translation, raws, karas) on the server youre hosting for the ddl. also, putting protection from site (ssl, username and password to webserver)

  • anon

    lol @ Jonas calling shoku-dan a quality group. They are also speedsubbers on par with Chihiro, notice how you said 30 minutes later? That’s because they rush as fast as possible to release just as Chihiro do. There are no quality groups left doing VK (expect maybe A-Kraze who are on err… episode 2 or something)

  • Gennosuke

    Mishicorp = Best quality encodes for VK

  • Gennosuke

    No, I am far from it (if you are talking to me).

  • Talanisa

    @anon A-Kraze is on ep 3. I much prefer chihiro sunbs to shokudan. I download both and compare and every time chihiro wins. Shokudan will say maybe one or two lines I prefer like “forgive me” instead of “I’m sorry” but normally its chihiro ftw. Everyone has their own preferences though. Plus I think its hilarious when fansub groups ask not to steal their raws. Um excuse me but you’re ripping it off the tv who took it from the manga who took it from the artists head. Don’t be stupid. Besides I don’t think chihiro gives a shit since they proudly proclaim this raw was taken from shokudan cb. So in a way shokudan is even credited.

    They didn’t steal the freaking subs just used the raw that was available and I for one applaud it. 😛 I’ll also be downloading the h264 when ya’ll release that as well.

  • dragonsoul07

    chihiro rulez!!! and what anime will you subbing next?

  • peter poppinchips

    the IRC is the bet way to get put on a list


    and I laugh for you guys who call Shoku-dan a quality sub group..

    Guys, if you want quality, stick with Mishicorp.

  • Artemis

    Quick Off-topic question:

    Have you guys thought about picking up Jyushin Enbu (Hero Tales)? The guys who were subbing it before dropped it at 13 episodes and no there’s no one to do it. -_-

  • the laughing man

    what..? mishicorp as a quality fansub group makes me lulz. idont care if they rls late which seems making it look like quality fansub but theyre not quality fansub group. ask the guys from eclipse, menclave, aone or aniyoshi if theyre quality fansub group. fyi theyre not the best quality fansub there is. the quality fansub group that i consider doing this series is anikraze. next, ureshii.. mishicorp will be third…and the rest doing it are speed sub.


  • the laughing man

    so why their previous rlses suxass then?
    it does mean if that group has eclpse members, it would be gud fansub. im just saying since majority of works is on mishicorps crew and eventhough those eclpse crew did their best and the mishicorp crew didnt do at their best (i know they have shtty members)

    go ask people if that group is consider as a quality fansub from their previous experience of misshicorp. anyway, this is my opinion about that group so gud for you if you consider them gud group. lol though

  • Nojiko

    As somebody who has been in the scanslation, fansubbing, and game translation scene for a little over 8 years. (That is, being a scanslationer, fansubber, and game TLer for 8 years, I’ve been leeching for well over that.) Mishicorp is indeed a quality fansubbing group. Those who can’t realize that are either:
    A) Retarded
    B) Blind
    C) A Troll
    D) All of the above
    Now, I’m talking about the CURRENT Mishicorp, not the one 2 years ago, that shit was dramatic and crazy. Fansubbing wise, Mishicorp is actually just behind Ureshii in quality, one rung down on the ladder of quality. Compared to speedsubbers, such as… Chihiro, Ayako, BSS, etc. Mishicorp completely rapes them in quality.

    Anyways, opinion is opinion, and I don’t have time to deal with kids such as “the laughing man” who’s obviously retarded. Back to work for me.

  • pb

    shokudan = xvid eyecancer

  • nazi

    Seems ridiculous, what the hell everyone are dam obsess with eclipse. If they heard like that theres eclipse members is working with an awful group. They tends remove the crappy remarks about that group because of a eclipse members are present. If i remember eclipse has just been on fansubbing service since 2005. And we know there are alot of pioneers fansubbing came before them, and its obvious if you compare mishicorp fansub (eventhough it has eclipse members) with AniKraze fansub… you know whos clear winner/perfect choice.

  • dragonsoul07

    yo…just enjoy the show…..if ur wanna quality…go and buy a DVD when they out XD

  • Ashiteru

    youve been a leecher of anime for 8 years, and you still got no idea which is speed sub or quality fansub. Man thats a shame to see. 😛

    As for the rest, go get what you think is good fansubber for you. Who gives a fck whether youve been on 8years of leeching animes. Like the one troll in here, hes been on anime scene before i was but he still have nfi whats good and bad.

  • Nojiko

    I said FANSUBBER for 8 years >.>

    And BSS apparently isn’t speedsubs anymore from what people have been spamming me because of that. So sorry, they WERE a speedsub, or their Zombie Loan releases I first saw just were really bad and I assumed they were living up to their name as speedsubbers, because that was definately NOT quality. So sorry BSS, you’re actually NOT speedsubs, from what I hear now, but those 1 or 2 eps of Zombie Loan that I saw were “speedsubbing quality” and I assumed that they were in fact speedsubs and that you guys were in fact a speedsubbing group from that and your name.

  • nazi

    Dont get offended about what i just said earlier.. because thats the truth about misshicorp. Previous projects they have done are all plain speedsub and crappy, no matter how yyou look at them (ZL, xxxholic first season, Lemon Project). the last anime that i mention, they have awful video qualityon that, and totally failed on fansubing it. Its pretty dissappointing the source is dvd and still produce a tv quality sht. xxxholic from them… same blah. shs did much better than them. ZL with shs help, same blah… still aniyoshi own them from fansubbing that series.

    Speaking about their VK fansub, maybe im wrong about them as speedsubbing this series. and theyre doing this project as quality fansub. but still this doesnt mean i already erase them on my speedsub list group. they only become on top of chihiro, shokudan and the rest of speed subber. If i compare them to the two quality group, anikraze and ureshii. They have no chance beating them… maybe against ureshii but anikraze.. hell no. the only way mishicorp can shine on fansubbing this series is when anikraze would drop this series. theres a big chance they would but idk about it. Ureshii already dropped this series because theyre way too behind, and the story didnt engross them that much to continue fansubbing.

    i know BSS have started to go away from being speedsub group to quality sub. this is proven from their recent and ongoing projects. their goal is its not about releasing fansub first but a well quality fansub.

  • Yo

    Hehe, I always like a thief ^.^, Go Chihiro subs

  • about time you do karaoke for animes, there peoples like me who actually want to sing or at least try ^_^

  • Pablo-Kun

    i´m sorry but in the version mkv i dont see de subs then i download the avi version and then i can see it bue i dont know why is just a question ¿why i cant see the subs in the mkv version?

  • anonymous


    are you using VLC? Or what are you playing it with.

    Download CCCP ( and use either MPC or Zoomplayer (both of which come with it) to play the files. MKV is softsubbed and so you need additional software to render it. But at the same time MKV is much greater quality than what you’ll find in shitty outdated AVI, so it’s worth it.

  • Kallen

    can you guys please sub the final two episodes of Shion no Ou? God knows when Live-Evil are going to do them.

  • Pablo-Kun

    well i am not using VLC i’m using the windows classic media player that comes with the k-lite mega codec pack and it has never give me any trouble

  • Pablo-Kun

    but thanks any way i am alredy downloading the codec that you gave me thanks

  • Wija-chan

    Hah! Yea right…o_O

    I stopped downloading from Shoku-dan long ago when Chihiro started subbing it. x’3
    Who says that group released quality subs? D:
    Them all must be loco for stating that. x’p
    Anyways, even if Chihiro isn’t a quality-subbing group, they win against Shoku-dan’s VK subs. =’p (I dunno really since I’ve never watched that groups other releases… -shrugs- )

    Anyways, thanks ALWAYS for the quick releases Chihiro! :’D
    Just got back from vacation so I missed your releases, but hopefully…the second season for VK would be subbed by you awesome guys once again, yes? :’3
    Anyways…toodles and good luck on your other projects! x’D

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