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Ikkitousen: Great Guardians – 03


Sorry for the delay. My dad INSISTED I go to a stupid baseball game today, and we had some in-group drama to deal with that caused 1 casualty in our group.

Anyways, here’s episode 03. XD

Also, Chihiro is presently trying to raise funds to purchase a server to help us get episodes to you as quickly as humanly possible. If you like our subs, have some money to spare, and want to help, by all means, please donate. None of this will ever go into our pockets. It’ll only be to help you.

h.264: Here

XviD: Here

17 comments to Ikkitousen: Great Guardians – 03

  • Tehcheese

    woo. 1st comment!

    *hides in a corner*

  • taiki-kun

    Thanks you verry much for your works ^^ and good futuring progress cya!

  • Scr1be

    Woots Thanks for the Ep ^ ^ …

    BTW any chance you guys would be willing to pick up Kamen no Maid Guy? Theres currently no1 subbing it…well Ayako is but…they’re a LIL behind =\

    Anyways Thanks again for the Animes U provide ^ ^ and the laughs I get from ur guys posts and ppls comments here =P

  • Pipin

    first comment ever on a EP release so far i watch anime lol
    thx for release ! ๐Ÿ˜€

    acutally Yakuza & T-K subs knmg ๐Ÿ™‚
    check anirena to get it xD

    hope its ok to post the link^^

  • EcchiMan

    wth? yakuza & tsuki-kage is subbing kamen no maid guy fool
    and ayako sux for subbing the censored version!
    btw is kristen a male or a female? that baseball story made it unclear ๐Ÿ˜›
    i should fank u for ur effort eh? but im still waiting for widescreen release!

  • please do karaoke subs for this ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Asrialys

    Erm…is it just me, or is the MKV version missing subs between 9:30-9:50…

  • Takarada

    There seem to be no subs from 9:32 till 9:55 – is this just me or what they say is not translatable or?? This is the h264 version

  • Ecchish!

    thanx 2 bunch for the episode! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • animehunter

    You are right there are no subs between 9:32 & 9:55, but on both versions.

    Thanks for picking it up.

  • torcheman

    Thank you minna.

  • erdvilla

    In the XviD version there are also missing subs at that time. Altough I understood what they said but just for the record, ok? If you pop-out a v2 file I don’t really care.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Qc

    ok im not trying to be mean here but this ep i had to comment on. yes a v2 is needed audio isnt good sounds like crap missing subs in the middle of the show.I know u guys are a speed subbing group but maybe you should spend 5mins more and sub it all the way or get someone to quick check it anyone ill leave it at that

  • Scr1be

    @ EcchiMan & Pipin
    You do know that Yakuza broke up =\ right? and the new group isn’t going to do any shows that yakuza did as for T-K I doubt that they’ll keep subbing it but who knows =\

  • batman is kamen no maid guy if u ever decide to pick it up very funny with lots of ecchi but shame no one subbing it now and its finished with 4 unsubbed eps

  • erdvilla

    I REALLY hope you’ll sub Macross Frontier episode 12, I just watched it from ZERO-RAWS, and OMG!!!! I hope you’l sub it, because you’re fast subbers, and I don’t know if I’ll survive until saturday for a subbed one, it was alucinating.

    And by the way, thanks againg for every of your works. I DW almost 80% of all your publicated files (obviously not the MP4 and AVI for every file……just one or the other).

  • Kei

    You guys are so pro, missing out subs.

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