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Macross Frontier – 12


OK, CHIHIRO R FULL SUPPORT RANKA NOW, KTHX. <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

SUGOI!!111 xD

And believe it or not, we actually encoded this episode with appropriately (OH SHI-).

h264: Here

XviD: Here

P.S. IGG 03v2 will be out soon and also, thanks to the donors (lol, even though i say no to donations ;;)’

<Kristen> In the macross post, put something about me yelling at the Japanese for their subs. :p

as u c, she has raged.


19 comments to Macross Frontier – 12

  • iiloveCHIHIRO!

    thanx a milion for the episode ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • _katalyst

    SHERYL NOME 4 live!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    On other note… great job for releasing it so fast ( ยฏ wยฏ)b

  • ZerOscuro

    Same resolution (1280×720)?

  • Kristen

    Yeah. Still 720p, and actually very clean this time around.

  • erdvilla

    You ROCK!!!!! Thanks from the fast response to my ply :p

  • Sarreq Teryx

    odd question, what’s the 1-25 date or time at 20min 43sec announcing? I’m being paranoid thinking it says the show won’t be back till Jan 25, right?

  • It means, it’ll air at JST 1:25 am. (normal?)

  • erdvilla

    It seems it’ll be delayed some minutes ’cause another program extending next Thursday. It’s a “Late show” just like many other good anime in Japan.

  • Ixonal

    ok, after watching that, I feel I must ask: why the fweip is the Macross 1. on that planet, and 2. intact? If memory serves, it was (mostly) destroyed at the end of the origonal macross series on earth by a zentradi ship… but then again, it was also apparently intact for macross plus, and then destroyed again in macross 2… so I must ask… wtf is up with that ship resurrecting?

  • Sarreq Teryx

    the last I saw, the Macross 1 was a wreck and parked in the middle of Earth’s capital in Macross Plus, in better repair than at the end of Macross, but still a wreck.
    as for it’s destruction in Macross II, that both a) takes place in 2089 and b) is not considered to be in line with the official canon.

  • Sarreq Teryx

    oh, thanks to all for the time clarification ๐Ÿ™‚

  • erdvilla

    It’s actually the SDF-3 piloted by Misa Hayase. I think this cause it was the last SDF Class UnSpacy ship build. It was never showed at the actual anime, but after the SDF-2 being destroyed by the alcoholic and misogenous Zentraedi (I don’t remember the name, but he had his party nights at the jungle in Brazil), you can only see it at Macross Flashback 2012 during the last song. And it can’t be the SDF-1 because it was totally destroyed (except for the command bridge) at Macross II Lovers again.

    This would be the logical explanation to find a SDF Class ship at that planet, but I’m really anxious to see what would be the outcoming in the next episode, hoping the plot won’t change to much the Macross past history ๐Ÿ˜›

  • erdvilla

    BTW…. I don’t wanna se Misa’s dead body at that ship!!!! Really I just will go crazy if that happens…..

    After reading my last post, I think it could be misundertood, what I mean is that the SDF-3 can only be seen at Flashback 2012, not the destrouction of the SDF-1 ๐Ÿ˜›

  • qqkiller

    I was wondering if any one knew in what series of macross was the armoured booster packs were used in the fight against the zentrani.

    It was one of the other macross series…. but im not talking about robotech… (they crapped out all of the cool scenes) but i saw it in macross flashback, but i was wondering if there were the series edition to it.

  • Sarreq Teryx

    @erdvilla: you can’t use Macross II as a reference to anything that happens in Macross Frontier, it’s both not considered to be part of the official continuity (parallel timeline, and all that) , and it’s meant to take place in 2089, so it hasn’t even happened as of Frontier (which starts 30 years earlier)

    here’s Kawamori and Studio Nue’s official timeline up to Macross 7 and M7Dynamite (2045-2047)

    even if Macross II were canon, it won’t happen for another 30 years AFTER Frontier.

  • erdvilla


    Thanks for the data. I just went paranoid, beacuase that SDF Class ship is the icon of Macross.

  • Sarreq Teryx

    one more minor thing for Chihiro, the Zentraedi soldiers are chanting “Zentran” not “Zentraedi”. Zentran being male, Meltran being female, the non-allied Zentraedi are split by gender and refer to each other as seperate factions.

  • OutsiderX

    Not sure if it’s just my system (just had to do a windows reinstall AGAIN) but I seemed to have run into an audio issue. Specifically, the voices seemed to fuzz out for about 30 seconds at about 9:55 through the episode. Did that just happen to me, or was there a hiccup in the encode?

  • Leonidas

    So what happened to eps 13, 14 and 15? Noooo, don’t drop it Chihiro!

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