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Information regarding Ikkitousen: Great Guardians

Today, our translator dropped Ikkitousen. This is bad news for all of us, I know, but it happens. I wish we could’ve announced that we were dropping it with “this release”, but I literally found this out 2 hours ago.

However, I do understand that some people are following us for our release, and to keep in consistency with episodes 1-3 from us. As such, we are not going to be dropping the project. We will, until someone joins us who wishes to translate Ikkitousen, use the yesy scripts to release. In other words, Ikkitousen has become a joint.

I will go through and edit the scripts to be consistent with our previous releases, time them, encode them, etc. However, expect these releases to be delayed by approximately 1 day (I intend to release on Thursday instead of Wednesday due to reliance on yesy scripts).

Also, we most likely will not be the first group to release Ikkitousen this week, because I am going on vacation until Sunday. You can also expect episode 9 to be delayed for another vacation (That will probably be a double release with 10). Other than that, expect it either at 9 PM EST on the day that Yesy releases, or the time Yesy releases plus 2 hours (If they release between 5 and 10 PM EST).

If you are a TLer, or you want your name on a joint and would be willing to provide a translation, please contact Kristen on IRC, or leave a message here.

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