OMG Thank you! i just found this group like 3 weeks back and i cant thank you enough for this episode. Ive wanted to see it since i heard it was gonna be released this summer^^
I’ll start DLing this anime as a substitue for Kanokon, hehe.
I’ll wait until you release the avi or v2 file ’cause this one gets dizzy on my PC, I don’t know why, is the first file from Chihiro that I can’t play properly on my PC, it gets slow and sometimes freezes.
Looks like RAWS for episode 2 are out already but still no ep1 SD that I can watch on my poor old PC. I hate to admit it but I just can’t watch HD 720p h264 files on this system at all!
Don’t forget the poor people with old hardware PLEASE!
It never freezes for me because I use ZoomPlayer, which is much better and advanced than your average media player like VLC. To tell you the truth I’ve never found a problem with it, unless the quality are really, really poor.
I really do recommend using ZoomPlayer. When I used ZPlayer the quality was average, I’ve seen worse and I’ve seen better. I can’t really complain about the quality of this release.
BTW, when’s the release of Ep. 2? I’ve noticed there are a lot of raws released already. C’mon keep it up people!!!
smooth: they dun hafta be first to sub it ya know.. it’s nice when they’re first but with a translator down an all ya can’t expect em to keep pace ๐ besides they’re doing you a service.. not like you’re paying em for a professional job lol so either wait like the rest of us or learn nihongo(?) and watch em raw ๐
I’m sorry if it sounded like I wanted them to hurry it up. I only meant that I support them in subbing Sekirei.
I’ll wait, because I don’t much of a choice, from the looks of things Chihiro is the only group that’s subbing it.
And I also wanted advertise ZoomPlayer ’cause I’ve seen it plenty of times that someone complains that the picture freezes in other releases.
I’m withdrawing my last comment about Ayako-Chihiro are the only subbers. It looks like Musubi has already released the 2nd ep. Whatever, I’ll stick with Chihiro, ’cause I like this community.
Nice joint release, keep up the good work ayako and chihiro <3
is there goin to be an avi version of this series cuz a really hope there is one if it’s not that much trouble
Will there be an AVI version?
LOL ayako is pissed that they got tagged onto this release just because there is one person from ayako working on it lol
No, John, you’re wrong.
There are 4 people working on it (me, shia, Saoen and Warton).
You fail.
And yeah, blame our raw provider. The raw was crappy, the official encoder was dead and [Jaka] was in a hurry.
i thought you hated ayako.
OMG Thank you! i just found this group like 3 weeks back and i cant thank you enough for this episode. Ive wanted to see it since i heard it was gonna be released this summer^^
is there gonna be a xvid version of this?
is thiz another 4:3?? or is thiz actually 16:9?
Seeing as it says there will be a v2 later, they’re prolly waiting for then to release avi. (I hope.)
We need to reencode. The encode got crappy (the raw wasn’t the best, anyway).
btw, not sure about the AVI onto v2.
It’s 720p.
as long as it is descent quality i’m happy, you surly do sub shit quit xd ๐
From what iv heard that there is only 1 now… I know for a fact that Saoen dropped out hes posted it in #ayako
hey guys…great work joining together with ayako to make this. but cud u please give me the lyrics of the opening song…can’t find it anywhere…
I hope we can get an xvid SD version, my poor old PC can’t play HD. And before anyone says “get a new one”, you wanna spare me some money for it? =)
Great jobs , btw nice speed subs^^
Chihiro,looks like you guys are becoming mainstream now =)
Nice work, thank you
I’ll start DLing this anime as a substitue for Kanokon, hehe.
I’ll wait until you release the avi or v2 file ’cause this one gets dizzy on my PC, I don’t know why, is the first file from Chihiro that I can’t play properly on my PC, it gets slow and sometimes freezes.
this was shit quality, and I am addicted to it ^.^ can’t wait to see how a v2 looks like @ chihiro ๐ Good job ๐
Looks like RAWS for episode 2 are out already but still no ep1 SD that I can watch on my poor old PC. I hate to admit it but I just can’t watch HD 720p h264 files on this system at all!
Don’t forget the poor people with old hardware PLEASE!
I hope that there’s a xvid version for this… *crossed fingers* ^__^
Dunno about anyone else, but the video keeps freezing but the sound keeps going =.=
admin, when will u release the xvid of the sekirei episode.1?
It never freezes for me because I use ZoomPlayer, which is much better and advanced than your average media player like VLC. To tell you the truth I’ve never found a problem with it, unless the quality are really, really poor.
I really do recommend using ZoomPlayer. When I used ZPlayer the quality was average, I’ve seen worse and I’ve seen better. I can’t really complain about the quality of this release.
BTW, when’s the release of Ep. 2? I’ve noticed there are a lot of raws released already. C’mon keep it up people!!!
smooth: they dun hafta be first to sub it ya know.. it’s nice when they’re first but with a translator down an all ya can’t expect em to keep pace ๐ besides they’re doing you a service.. not like you’re paying em for a professional job lol so either wait like the rest of us or learn nihongo(?) and watch em raw ๐
and yes i got a crappy memory.. not my fault… at least i can still type somewhat properly lol
I’m sorry if it sounded like I wanted them to hurry it up. I only meant that I support them in subbing Sekirei.
I’ll wait, because I don’t much of a choice, from the looks of things Chihiro is the only group that’s subbing it.
And I also wanted advertise ZoomPlayer ’cause I’ve seen it plenty of times that someone complains that the picture freezes in other releases.
I’m withdrawing my last comment about Ayako-Chihiro are the only subbers. It looks like Musubi has already released the 2nd ep. Whatever, I’ll stick with Chihiro, ’cause I like this community.
What I’ve meant with ‘releases’ in my 2nd comment wasn’t only directed towards Chihiro, but other teams too.
OMG im waiting for this!!! i’ll stick with you guys! keep up the good work!
smooth: you prolly should stop typing before you dig your own grave lol