Okay, dudes. We’re pretty in a hurry. I know none of you knows me, I’m just the Code Geass timer.
Anyway, I’ll be fast fast fast: [Jaka], the main Chihiro’s translator, quit us because an unknown reason. So, we’re pretty stalled during this week, since Chrissie is traveling (she’ll back by Sunday, I guess) and the other translators are out, too.
So, anyway, we still want to release Code Geass R2 for the sake of speed of fun. If you are a:
Japanese -> English Translator that is able to translate a full entire episode in 6 hours or a
Chinese -> English Translator that is able to translate a full (~450 lines) episode through Chinese subs in about 2 or 3 hours,
please contact me (Raijenki) at the Chihiro’s irc channel: #Chihiro @ irc.rizon.net. We have like 5 hours until Geass airs on Japan (it airs at 5pm JST, or gmt +9). Just leave me a PM with our details (Japanese tler? Chinese tler? whatever) and idle in our channel, we’ll contact you ASAP.
If no translator appears, no Geass this week.
I’ll be waiting for someone.
Have a nice day (or night, in my GMT).
Edit: By the way, Sekirei v2 will be out when we get our official encoder back. Maybe we can release a 1080p version with the SD one.
Edit 2: If you don’t know how to access our irc chan, just go to http://www.rizon.net, then access the irc chat. Wait it for connect and then type /join #Chihiro
After it, just double click my nickname (that will be one of the top) and leave a message. If double click doesn’t work, try /query Raijenki
Edit 3: Luffy` asked me to put an email here for those who can’t contact me through IRC. You can find me at Raijenki (at) hotmail.com. If you want, add me on MSN and when I get online, I’ll talk with you (although I guess this week will have a big fail).
Edit 4: Ah, I’ll wake up at ~7 am (GMT -3). Now I’ll go sleep, I hope someone appears.
lol there’s an offical Code Geass fan site you know? its at http://www.codegeassfan.com
(its got every about code geass and code geass r2) EVERYTHING!! IT SUBS CODE GEASS RIGHT AFTER IT IS AIRED