Alright, I (Kristen) am back. Vacation was fun, and things were exactly as I imagined they would be when I got home.
As you know, our translator, Jaka, quit. And, as I expected, it was really quite sudden. I am thankful that it happened on like Thursday instead of the start of last week, although it really had the same sort of effect.
We did have a translator come back from break (1 of 3), and we will have the second back at the end of this week (hopefully), with the 3rd coming back in mid-August. However, I do not, nor will I, hold it to them to complete all the projects we had planned for the summer. 7 projects is a ton, and I only agreed to do that much because Jaka said he wanted to do them. As I said before, we’ll do anything a TLer wants to do.
We’re looking for a translator. Chinese->English, Japanese->English, it does not matter. The amount of time you do it in is not an issue to me at the present time, assuming you do it in a relatively short amount of time (AKA, before the next group releases).
So, as for the status of our projects:
Code Geass: I loved working on this. Next week was supposed to be amazing, and we’d release like 5 hours after air time or something. However, I do not see how we can continue this project. It’s HARD to TL, and we would need a TL really quickly. AKA, we’d need a talented TL. If you are interested, please speak up. We’d need 2 hours from a Chi->Eng, or 6 from a Jap->Eng, or it becomes oversubbing to release it.
DCIISS: Finished
Vampire Knight: Finished
Koihime Musou: We were planning to joint with Osu on this, but since the only one interested in it quit, we will probably not do it. If a TLer joins who wants to do it, sure, we’ll do it, but I’m not interested in actively searching for a replacement.
Sekirei: No change. The TL for the project is active from now on
Ikkitousen: I will release episode 4 as planned, but probably tomorrow, since I’m sort of tired right now. I got an E-Mail from someone wanting to joint, so we’ll see how that goes. But, our backup is now to drop if the TLer decides to back out, or if something doesn’t work out.
Macross: I think this is probably the most likely drop. “Kei” released it fast, so we are probably not going to continue it. If you can work fast and are interested, speak up.
To Love Ru: To me, this is the top priority to find some help on. I know a lot of people have been DLing us, and I want to continue releasing. I mean, we’re still 3 weeks ahead of other groups, but I’d hate to just stall this. Note that since we are probably dropping Macross, this would probably make TLR an earlier release than before, if we find someone who wants to TL it.
Penguin Musume: I REALLY don’t want to drop this. Heck, we’re the only group working on it.
If you’re interested, contact me. Otherwise, we’re going to probably have to drop almost every project.
I hope you do continue Ikkitousen: Great Guardians b/c you are the only one that have links to download the episodes on your website yesy has not updated there site since may.
I know some Japanese but not enough to help tranlate anime, but I am willing to help out in any way I can.
Just one question:
DCIISS: Finished <— Aren’t you planning to release eps 12 and 13 720p version?
Tnx in advance