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To Love-Ru: Trouble – 14 Status


So, since we’re late on this, we’ll go with a status post. Most likely, we’re going to be keeping To Love Ru, Penguin Musume, and Sekirei, and dropping everything else. However, there are some new applicants for translation, so we may be picking up additional shows if they work out.

There was no Penguin Musume this week, so To Love Ru is our top priority.

Status: Translation – Done

Editing – Done

Timing – Done


Estimated Time of Release: 7:30 PM EST for h.264, 8:00 PM for XviD.

10 comments to To Love-Ru: Trouble – 14 Status

  • AfTaStEr

    ok cul thanks

  • Anthony

    Great releases guys, I’ve become a good fan and know that it’s hard to release episodes during summertime as well as with consistant translators to help out…. CODO’s to everyone helping you.

    I was also wondering if you would be rereleasing episodes #1 – 4 of ToLOVERU under your name??? Call me a stickler but I like to have all episodes by the same group so that translations and subtitles match.


  • charlie

    I was getting my weekly Geass fix from you guys. Too bad. There was some new group called Nightspeed that filled in for you last Geass time last Geass place. I would’nt mind just *.ass files in the future.

  • Ohrly

    I sure hope you guys don’t drop Geass. I know it’s gonna be hard to keep alive, but I hope you find a TL for it soon.

  • Kristen

    Anthony, I won’t keep it secret that we are working on 1-4. However, do not expect them at rapidfire pace. They are “backburner” projects, as in, something we’re working on when we have nothing else to do.

  • Raso

    there are plenty of groups doing Geass (gg and Eclipse) so I can see why. To Love Ru, Penguin Musume, and Sekirei dont have anyone subbing really so 100% cheer you guys on!

  • Ohrly

    I’m fully aware of Eclipse and gg doing Geass, but I just don’t want to see Chihiro dropping it, considering they are, might I say this proudly, ALWAYS first to release, with the exception of this past week. It was definitely a well on-going project for them.

  • miko

    “Estimated Time of Release: 7:30 PM EST for h.264, 8:00 PM for XviD.”

    my Timezone is GMT -8 so if its EST.. then I’m 13 hours advance from EST (GMT -5) I was wondering why the release is late.. ~_~” coz its 11am here and should be 10pm EST..

    and thanks for keeping TLR.. ^^,

  • ZaXXy

    is it me or are some of the subs oddly translated? not that i don’t get the meaning but it feels weird… oh wells.. i can only hope for a v2 and if not then i’ll content myself with this since having it somewhat oddly subbed is still better than no subs ^^; (still haven’t leqarn jap despite my friend ‘yuki being jap et tout lol

  • ZaXXy

    obviously the typo oni hasn’t stopped chasing be after some 20 odd years rofl

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