After some discussion, thought, flaming, eating, aquarium visits, and panty shots, we have decided that the Ayako-Chihiro joint for Sekirei will be called off. Chihiro will still be releasing Sekirei, but it will be on its own this time, not with Ayako.
There was only 1 person in our group who wanted a joint, [Jaka], and he wasn’t even the translator assigned to it. We needed help week 1, though, so he had the grounds of “Make a joint or I TL with Ayako and you guys are on your own”. But, he ragequit anyways, so no need to worry about that.
I’ll give you a timetable of when to expect all of our Sekirei stuff soon.
“Chihiro will still be releasing Sekirei, but it will be on its own this time, not with Sekirei.”
I think you need some glasses @_@; OR, you are too dumb to read well…
are you laughing because of your mistake? LOL
BTW, for the Chihiro staff, do your best guys!!! im looking forward to this sekirei and to your future projects!
So you planning to release Code geass today?
what codec pack can I use or would you recommend in playing your sekirei releases? I have problem in playing the sekirei releases since the subtitles and audio does bot synchronize well.the video or rather the subtitles lags than the audio. I’m currently using the K-lite mega codec pack
as i recall that’s called umm…. life?
alrite well thanks for the info still sticking to your guys releases
@klite25: try CCCP, Im using it and I dont have any problems.
@Chihiro: geass… where… need… plox :<
thanks zenzen
Chihiro staff keep doing your best! ๐
:[ i was actually exited that u were gonna do a joint ~dissapointed~
keep it up tho
what about ikkitousen?