We’re done! Finally! 🙂
Sorry about the massive delays. I was hoping to get this out like 3 or 4 days ago, but more and more things piled on, and we had to switch encoders, and deal with better raws, and needed lots of TLC/QC, and basically tons of stuff that comes from the first week. We basically had no organization this week due to the first week crisis stuff, but it should be better now. I think we all know what to do and when, so expect episode 2 out much earlier than this was.
Also of note, ASF is a really fun group to work with. <3
Also, although you probably don’t care, XviD is encoded at 704X400, not 704X396, so it’s a bit different than what Chihiro usually releases. h.264 is 1280X720.
Also, for those who are saying we copied Minori-Osu’s TL, I’ll inform you that we had a TL of this before they released. So, unless someone magically knew exactly what Jaka was thinking with Minori, it’s not going to be their TL.
h.264: Here
XviD: Here
hehe… finally!
anyway, hopefully the next release will be much faster =p
Thankyou for the release! It was pretty good! I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Keep up the good work!
relelased? must be that darn typo demon again lol just noticed ^^;
Perfekt, i Just finished Season 1 and 2^^
admin, when will release the xvid version of zero no tsukaima?
there’s also only so many ways you can translate the stuff without making it read like a bad jap version of engrish lol (unless ya do a spoof but then it’s entirely different)
any updates on sekirei episode 2?
old: yeah… it’ll be done b4 you die hopefully 😛 lol (gotta love ppl pestering for updates all the time… like if you answer that you’ll have time to work on the thing they’re pestering about)
“needed lots of TLC/QC”
You mean you did a lot of copying off of Minori? Since some people did read my previous post here’s a tibit of it.
Anyone noticed that they made the same translation error as Minori? “Jishin wo motte” doesn’t mean “Finish them off!” Either, these people are copying other group’s English tl, or they’re hiding the fact that they are. So, which is it?
And eyecancer, no thank you.
Also, for those who are saying we copied Minori-Osu’s TL, I’ll inform you that we had a TL of this before they released. So, unless someone magically knew exactly what Jaka was thinking with Minori, it’s not going to be their TL.
We didn’t use warpsharp – you obviously don’t know about encoding
In response to Joker’s comment on translating errors:
I would first like to say that fansub groups do not necessarily have the best resources in finding Japanese translators for series. To be honest, the translator we used at the time relied on a Chinese sub for Zero no Tsukaima.
To be honest, a great many of the translators for fansub groups use Chinese translations. Any errors resulting in inaccuracy most likely is the result of using these Chinese subs.
Now, I’m not quite sure if Minori-Osu uses a Chinese sub, but if, coincidentally, the same subtitles were used, it could very well likely that the same mistake is made.
@warpsharp: Sorry, Jaka, we didn’t use warpsharp.
QUALITY indeed.
WOOT tytytytyt <3’s all around!
Meh, I care not for drama so I shall contribute none. I shall merely say, “thanks for working on this” 🙂
For some odd reason, the encoding for the .mkv format was considerably choppy. The .avi format was ten times better; even after doubling its size to fit the entire screen, it still maintained a high level of graphics.
I dunno if it’s because items in .avi format work best on my computer or what, but it looks like it’s a good thing I swear by it. Good work, the episode was great!