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About the donation button

As you can probably see, we have added in a new donation button to the chihiro webpage. Let me explain to you what’s been happening, such as why we switched to .net for a while, and why that’s at $0.

About two weeks ago, Chihiro and Animetake decided to not be associated with each other anymore. But, it wasn’t exactly a clean split, and we lost control over a few things.

As such, we’ve tried to decrease our reliance on outside groups for internal affairs. All Chihiro related matters (Website, IRC, PR, etc) are now solely in our hands, and I am certainly feeling a lot more secure about this whole matter at this point in time.

We re-added the donation button to fund a private server for us. We are looking at a 100 MBps line (Unless someone wants to be REALLY generous and fund us for a 1 GBps line. O.o) to mux/release on, as well as provide a bot and a FTP (You won’t use this, the staff will). If you want to know the advantages of this, well, basically…

As we are now: Encoder encodes, waits for the script, may go AFK when script is ready, muxes script in, seeds at 60 kb/s or uploads to a server we do not own, bots add. Usually takes 1-2 hours for the first person to get the script, and maybe even longer if not everyone is on when needed.

With a server: Encoder encodes, uploads to a server immediately, anyone muxes in the final script, bot adds immediately, torrent goes at 1 MB/s or better. Takes 10 minutes for somebody to get the file.

So, we have a server goal of $100. If you donate anything above 30 cents, we really appreciate it! Anything below 30 cents is lost in fees and processing.

19 comments to About the donation button

  • frenzycool

    Well, hope u guys gonna get new server soon! Love ur work especially TLR

  • Brian

    Here is a little bit. Keep up the good work.

  • Radioactive Baby

    Well… theres your $100… Anyway, keep up the great work, I’m learning japanese, so maybe in… errrrm… 2-3 years when I’m actually half decent I might help you, so don’t split any time soon or I’ll get a peddle boat to america and hunt you down!!

    Also give people an email to send to, I’m sure people don’t want to be reading my garbage.

  • TK

    Nice work~!
    Ive got a 500gig dl server you can use if you want. Dunno the line speed. It’d be nice if you could have ddl’s not torrents. Anyhow, if your interested, you cant contact me. It might be upgraded soon to 1TB or so…

  • ZaXXy

    don’t suppose the donate button works with cash eh? cuz i dun got a CC nor do i have a paypal >_<

  • As soon as kristen sells huggles to me for $5 each, the quicker i can tap into my savings to help out a wonderful subbing group XD…I DEMAND MY HUGGLES DARNIT!!! ^_^

    mmm potatos *drools*

  • I happily donated $100. However, naga said in the channel that he bought a server for you guys using the previous donation money and that you should have received the server. I’m curious to hear Kristen’s side of that story.

  • furanshisu917

    plus why donate so much to a speed sub group

  • Kuqerizi

    Lol wonder who the real culprit here is xD, anyway might donate next month since u already reached ur goal for this one.

  • Yo

    holy crap :O 308 bucks in a mere day :O

  • Bruno

    Wow… Just wow…

    308 dollars out of 100…? 3 months payed… right?

  • TBH, this isn’t right at all. Fansubbers should really never ASK for money, it’s a voluntary action. And not only that, it cost no where near $100 a month for Chihiro to run their stuff. They already have plenty of help. I know this may sound harsh coming from me but, Chihiro doesn’t deserve this money. They have no ethics when it comes to the fansubbing community. Always pointing the finger at people and just causing more distress within the system.

    Let’s put it this way, NO one in Chihiro are even willing to put down a penny for purchasing servers to help distro. That’s why they’re asking for money. Essentially, they’re greedy! They don’t sub to bring you great subs, they sub for some misguided ego (epenis), and for downloads/leechers. They could careless about the quality of the translations or about giving you eye cancer. Oh, yeah they’ll give you eye cancer. MASSIVE eye cancer, and they’ll do nothing about it. They only want your money so they can buy server, and use it to download their own shit or fool around with it for their own benifit. Chihiro is probably the biggest leech in all of the community.

    Another thing, this group wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Jaka. So I’d say you better thank him, otherwise “YOU” wouldn’t be where you are today. The word Quality and Chihiro never mix. And IMO there are only two types of subs, COMPLETE and UNCOMPLETE. Chihiro falls under the latter.

    Yeah if you haven’t noticed, I’ve been pretty mf’ed lately with Chihiro. Leechers don’t know half the story. But they’re causing a shit storm in IRC land. Like did you know Chihiro trolls and then points the finger at someone else? Like a kid going, “I didn’t do it.” It really can’t get much worst than that.

    Even though I’ve said all this, if Chihiro actually put some thought into their releases, they might actually be decent people. Like what’s with the random blog posts on this site? Kristen, please, your personal life should stay off the Chihiro website. Weren’t you the one telling everyone they should keep it strictly business before Jaka left? And yeah, now you guys are srsbsns huh? Quality Status HA!


  • Zodak

    Eh rumi i think you don’t understand the word “DONATION”. Let me tell u then, its a gift or contribution, as to a charitable organization. Its a Voluntary thing. They say donate. Not Give! Its 2 different meaning. Plz don’t misinterpret the meaning. Its thx to Chihiro that we get this subbed anime.

  • fux0r

    olol Rumi, teh interwebz are srs business O.o

  • Jaka

    Zodak: When you ask someone to rape you, it’s not rape.


  • In before Rumi turns this site into his RAAAAAAAAAGE blog.

    If you want to donate (protip: waste) your money on Shithiro, by all means, do it. If it turns out the server is a lie, then too bad. You won’t have your cake, so you won’t be able to eat it. You don’t have any idea where it’s going, you might as well donate a few PS3s. That’ll save them some work.

  • Kristen

    Surprising how people can rage so much about something like this. Wish there was a way to lock a topic.

    Anyways, case in point: We sub for people who want to watch anime and can’t get it any other way, Rumi. And I’d pay out of my own pockets if it wasn’t for the fact that I’d get beaten if my parents found out that I paid money for something online.

    We’ll be adding the server really soon. Thanks to all who donated!

    EDIT: Nevermind, I found a way. Comments are disabled for this post.

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