We did it! IGG 04 is done! Took us long enough. We got stalled trying to find a translator for it, and now that we have one, everything is good! This is not yesy-Chihiro, this is Chihiro alone.
We’re trying to catch up to NEXT week. Meaning, we want to be done with episode 07 before episode 08 airs. If you can translate J->E or C->E and want to help push along this process, PLEASE tell me (And send me the script, preferably). [email protected] as usual.
Also, I have a big clap off to my staff. I have a TLer who worked regardless of exams, a TLC who stayed up to 5 AM, a timer who was up to 2 AM, and an encoder who’s just too cute and dedicated, all working to get this release.
This is probably the last time we seed off computers and not off of our awesome server. ^_^
well i thought youll be relying on yesy script all the way…
but i;m wrong..
banzaaii.. say yes to translator-san..
so we leechers expecting 3 eps in 2 weeks???
thats nice.. XD XD XD
:hug: :hug: :hug:
NICE! looking forward for ep 5-7 ^^
Thx a lot. GG will go on. Now my Anime-Summer is saved.
YES!! At last!!
I love you even more now chihiro and the rest <3
Hey Kristen, yesy posted ep. 5 and 6 translated script for the public to freely use, maybe you guys can just use those and then time them?
Great work!
I love you so much!
Yay ! Nice job as always ^^
yup, nice mediocre job as always ^.^ keep up the not too good but not that bad work!!!
I’ll be looking forward your release of TLR ๐
Thanks for continuing your fansubbing of this show. Looking forward to more releases. Keep up the good work.
yes i’m pesky but isn’t it supposed to read “till 2am” and not “to 2am”? and blues, they’re trying to keep away from doing that if ya haven’t read the earlier posts n such lol (i’d like to think i make a great positive critic) rofl
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you.
I missed my Hakufu-chan. I’ll be waiting by my computer for the next 2 weeks.
Well, I DL’d the Yesy sub, but I will STILL DL the Chihiro version (as long as the OP/ED is NOT TL’d). Thanks a heap!
Also kudos to jb23 for “filling” in for eps 5 and 6 for those of us who couldn’t wait. And props for CONTINUING to sub the series, to all Chihiro staffers.
Now onwards to eps 5, 6 7…
Thank you Thank you Very much
Thank you Thank you chihiro
Keep going
Many thanks to all the folks involved!
YES!!!! I hate having to switch groups in the middle of a series.
any chance of Zero no Tsukaima being picked back up??
I would refer to this post here. Make sure to read it thoroughly and decide for your self the appropriate response.
oh right, I forgot. sorry.
yeah – THANK YOU GUYS FOR bunchy tits season 3..wait…season 2 was “Double D”….this season will be named: “Trembling Tits” ^^
well its a show that dont create that much attention in the hentai doujinshi sector…but damn – this show must turn into a 2nd kanokon… do u like spanking girls???
well, only the attention whore shows like toloveru and geass come clearly out… anidb dirty sister is ur friend ^^
sekirei… will RISE OO <=8
Hooray for da boobies (raw)
Hooray for da boobie fondlers (subbers)
Hooray for da boobie snatchers ( ^__^)
Good job and thanks a lot! Although there are alternate versions available, I’ll be loyal to the chihiro releases!
Download links are broken =[
SOMEONE PLEASE FIX THIS h264 torrent link