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Ikkitousen: Great Guardians – 04


We did it! IGG 04 is done! Took us long enough. We got stalled trying to find a translator for it, and now that we have one, everything is good! This is not yesy-Chihiro, this is Chihiro alone.

We’re trying to catch up to NEXT week. Meaning, we want to be done with episode 07 before episode 08 airs. If you can translate J->E or C->E and want to help push along this process, PLEASE tell me (And send me the script, preferably). [email protected] as usual.

Also, I have a big clap off to my staff. I have a TLer who worked regardless of exams, a TLC who stayed up to 5 AM, a timer who was up to 2 AM, and an encoder who’s just too cute and dedicated, all working to get this release.

This is probably the last time we seed off computers and not off of our awesome server. ^_^


h.264: TorrentDDL

XviD: TorrentDDL

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