Guess what everybody! We’re caught up! 7 episodes down, and we don’t have any more to do from Japan! ^_^
I guess I like Ikkitousen so much because it’s a challenge to time. They never end with the keyframe, so it’s a constant battle of decision making and looking the situation in the eye.
I’m not expecting this many releases next week, since simply, we don’t do the amount of shows to warrant it. However, I can tell you that these past two days were fun/frustrating/crazy for all of us.
Hopefully there’ll be Penguin tonight and we’ll all be happy. ^_^
XviD when our encoder wakes up and makes it.
h.264: Torrent
XviD: Torrent
Awesome a Million Thanks for the Ep ^_^
*Prays there is new Penguin*
Awsome… nice of you to catch up hehehe…will try and catch up on my end too.
finally catching up..
thanks alot… nice releases this week..
Thanks a bunch, ya finally caught up! ;]
Thanks. ^^
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank You Very much CHIHIRO
Thank you so much for all your work.
ikkitousen is back, i’m glad.
thanks so much for the hard work!!
but ur DDL for xvid is broken -.-
thx for the fast sub….
i really don`t like to complain…. but can you please make a v2 of ikkitousen 5… wich is the only one that has a different font… i would be really greatful
Thanks for the release but do you think that on the next release we can get a translation of what the opening and ending says??? It kinda bugs me that I have no clue what’s going on spech wise there… But anyway like always Thanks for the release…