Caught up here too! We’re done! We’re on schedule with this summer, and we no longer have to flood tosho with our torrents! Well, we do normally, but still…
Big clap off to everyone on staff this week. If it wasn’t for your late nights, dedication, and persistence, I don’t know how we could have done it. You are all awesome, some of you even more awesome than you think.
h.264: Torrent
XviD: Torrent
Damn, you guys are freaking machines 0_o’ That’s like 5 releases in 24 hrs (more or less). Thanks for you work^_^
Hehehe… that’s awsome… something to keep me busy as usual hehehe..thanks, you guys on drugs? Cause you guys have been releasing like mad the past few days.
Not that it’s not good lol, but go overkill yourselves.
^ What I meant was DON’T go overkill yourselves… but if ya wanna, be my guest…
good job with keeping up with Japan! And thank you for all the fast releases in the past 2 days…Now take a nice break, u guys earnt it.. ok its 6.29am here time for bed cya all in IRC under the same name byebye
imo it’s not enough to keep up with japan, chihiro should surpass japan. Starting writing episodes, making the animations, and doing impersonations of the voice actors already!
Gotta a question..
Is “World Destruction” really good? be honest! ANYONE.
Because some people say it sucks and others say it’s okay.
So anyone here @ Chihiro’s plz tell me if it’s okay or not.
Thanks a bunch!
It’s all personal and biased opinions. Nobody can really tell you if it’s good or not, you have to see for yourself. Some like it, some don’t, and the reason varies for every individual.
just watch it yourself and decide if its good or bad…
nothing compares self experience… XD just like ohrly says..
great another chihiro releases…
is this the beginning of everyday-episode-release???
you guys are realli fast!!!! we who love World Destruction are appreciating every moment of it. thank you so much. especially in xvid format.
thank you! thank you! thank you!
A suggestion to my dear friends at Chiheerios. (The cereal fansubbing group? Nothin’ better than a big bowl of Chiheerios in the morning to wake you up!) For the first two episodes you put a comma and then wrote “Kuma” at the end of a sentence. The third episode seems to be better with the way it is setup with “Bla bla bla -kuma.” What else you could do is put “Bla bla bla. ~Kuma” with the period at the end of the sentence and the kuma part seperate from it. Of course the “~” or “-” is merely preference. Though most of it is anyways. Just some thoughts. My two cents while I sit here and eat my Chiheerios (litterally and figuratively).
Thanks for this guys, however i think there may be a problem with this episode. I noticed the colour was kinda funky at times during the episode and then i ran it through my xbox 360 just to see if it was me, but no, it started stuttering and then it stopped.
Maybe it’s a codec problem, i thought.
I tried the same with episodes 1 and 2 and both of them played without any problems, wich leads me to think there may have been a problem during the encoding process.
Just wanted to give you guys a heads up.
Thanks again for this show ๐
Oh, this problem was on the XviD version, btw. I haven’t tried the Matroska version yet
I have the same problem as Vinnie_PT said but it was with the mkv version of episode 3. The colors get smeared on one another. It doesn’t happen to episode 1 or 2, just 3 has this problem.
i have also noticed this color problem with the mkv did not watch the xvid
is the mkv version of this anime is 1280×720 version???
No, the MKV is not 720P.
The funky colour is probably a problem in the RAW, since bot the AVI and the MKV suffer from it. ๐