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School Rumble San Gakki – 25


YAKUMOOOOOOOO!!!!! There is a reason why her name ends in “MO”. Because she is so moe that the artist himself forgot the e at the end. I will be quite honest. I am lesbian for Yakumo and you should be too. LFY for short.

This was pretty hard to get out. Got delayed by a couple of things a couple of times. But, trust me, it’s nothing bad. We still sped right through it and released in under 24 hours of when we decided we wanted to do it.

Now as to why we’re doing it? Simply, we had a TL who wanted work, and 2 TLCs/Editors, and Timer, and an encoder who all wanted to do it. So, we did, and it’s here.

So, enjoy your Yakumo, however limited her role is in here.

Note: This is called San Gakki 25 because there are 24 episodes that should have chronologically been there, but MFI and corp were being weird and just are doing the last 2 in the season. XD

h.264: Torrent

XviD: Torrent

67 comments to School Rumble San Gakki – 25

  • Cristian

    Haha, I’ll support you in that Bishca ,)

    Bishca Says:

    July 28th, 2008 at 5:28 am
    This is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard, WHY THE HELL ARENT THEY MAKING 1-24, I FEEL LIKE KILLING EVERYONE WHO WAS INVOLVED IN MAKING THIS DECISION, yes I know there’s still the manga, but its always good to have a story in both forms as complete as is possible and this just makes me feel, like they took the easy way out because every school rumble fan will watch these.

  • murialita

    I’ve honestly never facepalmed and groaned at the same time as far back as I can remember, but it just happened. How many people honestly don’t get the whole naming thing? Seriously? It was explained to you. If you don’t like it, rename it as Kristen said. Perhaps you didn’t understand it, so maybe I’ll try to clarify it.

    Yes, this is the first episode of the 2 episode OAV. So the argument of calling it ep 1 makes sense. I was a little confused at first as well. But after actually WATCHING the first 5 minutes or so, it cleared it all up. It was a complete recap of the first 24 episodes, which were never actually made because the company is a bastard. Thus if they were ever made, this would actually be ep 25. Which it says in the official site. If you don’t like it, bitch to the anime company and make them animate the first 24 eps.

    So how many people are going thinking I’m an idiot right now? Gotta be at least one.

    Thanks Chihiro for the subs!

  • Facts of the Series:
    1. Yes, this is episode 25.
    2. Recaps of what each episode should have been are on the official site.
    3. Recaps are meant to be read along side the Manga.
    4. If you haven’t read the manga you’re kind of missing out.
    5. If they aren’t scanalated then I suppose you’ll have a hard time with Japanese.

    Notes of this episode subbed by Chihiro:
    1. Chihiro doesn’t QC or TLC according to Kristen.
    2. The encode has several un-deinterlaced or blended frames.
    3. No Kara Translations, let alone Romaji lyrics.
    4. Lazy and don’t translate important signs.

    Far from a complete or clean release, maybe more v2, huh? If I remember, the point of subbing is to help the viewer understand as much as the original translator knows. Obviously there’s some serious lacking/slacking.

  • Lazy subs are the best, if it seriously gets any better, it could be a crime. If you want high-ass quality, wait for the DVDs…

    Dont complain about something that isn’t mandatory for these subbers…

    Seriously… who cares if you dont understand something in the anime, you should seriously research yourself and not expect others to do your work for you, are you paying for this? No, so i see no reason why the ‘point of subbing’ should be listed as such.

    I’ll say it again, high quality will cost, go buy the DVDs.

  • Kristen

    Rumi, I really don’t know what you have against Chihiro. I mean, you were here one day lovable in the staff. I come back, you’ve disappeared, and suddenly are out to get us with your “Incomplete” subtitle arguments. It’s true, we are an incomplete quality sub. That’s why we don’t claim to be quality. We’re speedsubs, meaning that we output enough for people to see the episode fast. There’s enough people who do the other stuff anyways.
    We also DO translate important signs, if you’ve actually watched us before. We sometimes even put in a little typeset here and there.
    Chihiro remains the same. You want to watch, watch us. You want quality? Wait. It’s pointless to force other people to wait when they don’t want to.

    Also, we provide this for free. Sure, we have a donation button, but that’s if people want to give, it’s not required. And none of that goes into our pockets anyways.

    Or, if you’re going to insist on “Complete” releases, AKA, “Quality” (Which we are not), then you’re saying we should basically disappear and let other groups do the work. People would, in your opinion, LOVE to still be waiting for To Love Ru 11, and they would have loved to have waited almost 2 months for DCIISS episode 2, and they would have loved it if nobody subbed Penguin. Right?

  • taekuda

    Speedsub or Qualitysub, has its own place. It’s simply like 2 products in the market. Consumers are the one deciding. By having 2 products competing each other, both products especially Qualitysub will even get better as Speedsub gets better.

    It’s simply like this, you see. In the market, there are 2 products: cheap and expensive. When you compare such as China and Japanese products, you will understand. We all know China’s products are mostly inferior quality and cheap, but it does break the world with its cheap price. And the results, the expensive-high-quality products get better and cheaper.

    In fansubs, I should said the quality is better with better speed. Some DO like that, taking example Eclipse.

    So if the fansub is speedsubber, inferior quality (no sign, no lyrics, no karaoke, typos, blabla) is acceptable. UNLESS they do stated Qualitysub yet making those mitakes (I think a bit is acceptable too, humans do make mistakes).

    So take it easy to Kristen and Rumi. You don’t have to argue anything.

    @Rumi: Your comment indeed is correct and fact. But harsh comment shoud be avoided. I think complain can be delivered in correct and polite manner, rather than using harsh words like “lazy”, “far from complete / clean release”, “more v2”, “slacking”. Without those words, the complain would be nice in delivered, and I’m sure Chihiro crews will take it to improvement.

    I side to neither of them. I just make a neutral statement. I am one of those guys who watch Chihiro’s releases due to fast release so that I can watch my animes fast, and I am one of those guys who collect and archiving high-quality subs. Enjoying these 2 “speedsub” and “qualitysub” is the best in my anime-watching experience.

    I dont like to wait, so I go with speedsub.
    I love to collect and archive the highest quality availble, so I go with qualitysub.

    So take it easy man.

    You guys can download Nuke’s release for quality ^^

    So guys, keep up the good work. Either speed or quality, none are wrong. Though I do hope there is always BOTH on animes rather than 7 over-fansubs on a title (Sekirei =.=).

    If possible, I want to rant a little bit request: please sub Mission-E. Four episodes already but no fansubs. I achive the Code-E (first season) so it’s kinda sad to see Mission-E without fansubs.

    Final words: thanks Chihiro and Rumi for subbing and releasing my favourite animes. I love To-LoveRU and Nabari no Ou. I do archive Anime-Yoshi for To-LoveRU but I watches Chihiro first of course AND I archive Rumi for Nabari no Ou since they have better colour in video than other group (I download all fansubs’ first 5 episodes at first to compare T_T).



  • Chysil

    I agree with We-suck fansubs statement “we don’t put karaoke in because we don’t feel like singing to the song”

  • Nenimay

    i don’t get it, i wanna see the rest of 1~24 of san gakki T~T i love Yakumo and Harima Kenji =O i waited to for the past month knowing that san gakki was gonig to come out just to get the last two episode of san gakki… :3
    o well.
    woot you guys rock, YEA! LFY! (lesbian for Yakumo!) even tho i’m a guy XD

  • Whatever the situation…

    Because i have seen the series, i have only one thing to say…

    It doesn’t have connection with the previous series…so it’s OVA for San Gakki(3rd Term)[Means it’s 3rd season]…This OVA just tells us of what would happen if Tenma learned that Karasuma would leave this school for transfering to an American School…and now we see this one ep here…The ep 1…

    For some point is an alternative story from the first eps of Ichi Gakki(1st Term)…

  • Tobi

    Err…. Dj all of this did happen, this is the real ending to School Rumble. I don’t know if all of you guys know this yet, but School Rumble is OVER, FINISHED, ENDED, COMPLETE!!! Yes, I know there will be a School Rumble PART 2 but who knows if it’ll have the same characters or a completely new cast. This is it guys, the end of Harima’s and Tenma’s story (at least for now). Don’t believe me? Go look up Townsocks, the only scanlator for SR. This isn’t episode 1 this is the second episode before the end, part 2 of the OVA is the coup de grace, where it all wraps up.

    Whether we see the Kyoto trip or the whole Eri v Yako thing or the beginnings of the walking trip in anime form is sort of a moot point, if you want to know what happened go to onemanga and look it up, if you only watch anime well tough. The OVAs were just a send off gift to all the readers of the manga, heck it even leaves out a couple parts from the manga that were supposed to be in those episodes, but since they were shipped WITH the manga they coincided with it doesn’t really matter to those who “bought” this eppy.

    Anyways, final point, thanks for the subs chihiro and get 26 out as fast as you can, i know you guys can sub faster than them spanish subber guys, and I can’t wait to watch the end of SR1, and to the rest, don’t give these guys a hard time. I’ll take anything I can somewhat understand over a raw any day. Even spanish subs….

  • KITA

    Well, I do like to thank your effort to put these episodes for us to watch. I do really appreciate because I do collect anime series since some years ago and like Taekuda and do the same thing, seek for fast subbing and later on and easy, look for quality translation. I guest everybody should thank you because all the fansubbers spend their time to share their knowledge and support our lazyness to learn of japanese. Thank’s Chihiro.

  • mr arthur

    none of the xvid links appear to be working. not the torrent or the DDL.


  • I watched the last ep (26) already it sucks the series TOTALLY !!

    Worst ep ever ! The end sucks BIG time !

    Chihiro can sucks my balls now !

  • Harry Mackenzie

    Yeah the download links are not working, really want to see this one. Hope you can fix it. 🙂

  • akujin

    download links are not working, I need to see how it ends…………………………………….

  • a fan

    please fix the san gakki links

  • download files not working (neither of boths =S)

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