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Ikkitousen: Great Guardians – 05v2


Well, with Ikki 05, I was simply an idiot. I had the .ass in hand, ready to go, and forgot to apply the styles. As such, 05 needed a v2. There’s nothing different in here except for the styles, FYI. This is mainly just for our batch at the end.

A lot of groups say “We don’t support v2’s!” or “V2 means that you didn’t spend enough time on a v1!”, and some go as far as to say “V2 means your group is automatically garbage”. Well, here’s the simple answer for why v2 is a good thing. People make mistakes, and if you aren’t willing to admit it, then your trashy release will remain out there for the rest of eternity. Or, you can v2 it, admit you made a mistake, and nobody will remember when you batch it.

Also, on a side note, Chihiro just received enough donations to be completely funded through the end of September! Thanks to everyone who donated! Of course, after September the cost increases about $50 since we have to pay for some trials on the server that end, so… Only $250 to go to be funded through October 20th. XP Nah, just saying, we’re in good shape right now. ^_^

Also, apologies on the School Rumble styling. I didn’t know it was an all caps font I chose. So, it was supposed to be normal, but it got capped by my idiocy.

h.264: Torrent

XviD: Torrent

24 comments to Ikkitousen: Great Guardians – 05v2

  • erdvilla

    Each day you take the fansubing more seriously, thats great, and again thanks for the hard work and interest in your projects.

  • KingProgdor

    Humility is what I would expect in a sub group, not like Static Subs, who basically told me to piss off when I made criticism over their work on Zero no Tsukaima. Needless to say, my respect for them fell greatly.

    Good luck with every project you take up. πŸ™‚

  • Sword

    Lol…I don’t think sub groups need to be humble. They do this for free after all. But it’s nice to see that some like Chihiro are honest enough to claim they are not infallible and are willing to correct mistakes. Keep up the good job and thanks for the releases.

  • you forgot to put DDL for episode 3 V2 of this anime πŸ˜›

  • Anonymouse


    “It is not our responsibility to match the vocabulary to other groups’ releases. People who have been following our version from season 1 is used to seeing aristocrat and plebeian, and changing that at this point will upset them, and I don’t want to change them anyways. It is my responsibility as the one involved in all three seasons to keep things as consistent as possible within our group’s release. If our word choice is that upsetting, then I suggest you settle on other group’s release. After all, there are three others out there.”

    How is that telling you to piss off? Sound like good reasoning to me…

    Anyway thanks Chihiro for v2 for at least pretending to care! Next time also try to spell all the characters names correctly! (Ryuubi vs Ryubii I’m looking at you. D:)

  • ZaXXy

    only idiots say there’s no idiocy in their gene pool lol we all (most likely anywho) like ya anyways πŸ˜› there’s always a dumb moment in any person’s life so it just makes ya human like the rest of us… wouldn’t want Bender n Fry to rule the world now would we? (Futurama reference btw) tis always nice to try and improve methinks πŸ™‚ no matter what people say (never heard of a baby knowing the alphabet when it’s born so why show i expect perfect from yas?) anywho enough of my ramblings… i’m sure this makes me seem ubber odd (wich isn’t that far from the truth… never liked what everyone else was into anyways) PS i still don’t know half the staff so you’ll forgive me if i’ve insulted anyone right? lol

  • KingProgdor

    @ Anonymous

    The reasoning may have seemed good, but the fact remains that SS is the furthest from the official name releases.

    And really, a respectable sub group shouldn’t tell me to ‘go elsewhere’ merely for humbly and tactfully raising a concern. It’s not like I bashed the shit out of them.

    And I said they ‘basically’ told me to piss off, I never said they used that phrase in a literal sense. I took their response to my concern as such, especially after a completely honest statement I had originally made was completely deleted by the administrator.

    All in all, SS version of ZnT in general is sub-par.

  • Yo

    no worries on School rumble, I really liked the styling on it, and I am sure nobody else minds it either πŸ™‚

  • ZaXXy

    King: there’s always ppl that are bored enough to want conflicts so don’t mind ’em and you got a point.. that’s why i like Chihiro… pointed out something and (as far as i remember) Kristen fixed it on the site ^^; (sorry for my bad engrish… was raised on a 2400 baud modem hence the shortness of things i type and i live in a french province lol)

  • Aaron

    I agree with you on the whole v2 thing. If people don’t admit to their mistakes, they’ll never learn.

    Like for example Dattebayo who would sub Naruto has officially dropped it because people would not stop uploading everything to youtube. There were numerous warnings and attempts to stop, and now the people complain to Dattebayo, well it’s not their faults, and no one pays them to do what they do they only ask to not have their work uploaded on streaming sites, because it is not the kind of “Help” any fansubbing group needs.

    Anywho on another note, didn’t notice anything in v1, as long as the spoken text was there I was all good. Keep up the good work

  • ZaXXy

    btw Kristen i like the fist line… idiot and ass go on the same line πŸ˜› if you can’t tell i’m just tired…. not used to day living and stuff ^^; (the ramblings of an old coot) only thing missing woulda been a well placed “baka” for good measure lol

  • Lobotomist

    Kristen… Are you guys gonna do a v2 for Sekirei?
    there are some mistakes in that one too…
    just wondering.

  • Lime


    I’m guessing you don’t know your anime too well when you are saying SS releases for ZnT are sub par..
    In case you haven’t noticed, the reason Chihiro here dropped ZnT on teh announcements page was becuase SS & Eclipse are picking it up. No need to sub ZnT when SS&Eclipse can do it just as fast at a high quality – which makes Chihiro oversubbers.

    Chihiro spending time on other projects gives anime fans like us greater variety and adds value for us.

    What do you mean by idiots not admitting they have a bit of idiocy in their gene pool.. have you taken a sci course? ..and supporting your argument with Bender and Fry from Futurama… leads me to question your age and corresponding intelligence, sorry..

  • ZaXXy

    well sorry if my age seems off a bit but last i checked i’m 28 as for intelligence well you’d do wonders after 2 brain operations too ya know… i’m lucky i can still walk >_< and like i said engrish isn’t my day to day language so… my memory’s been a bit iffy for the past several years hence me not even knowing my own age most of the time

  • KingProgdor

    Lime, I tried watching the SS releases of Zero no Tsukaima and thought they were horrible. That’s what I’m trying to say. Even those on AS-Fansubs agree with me.

  • (off topic) whatever monies you receive from donations , screw the paypal fee >_< sry for ranting

  • taekuda

    ZnT comes in softsub, so you can edit it freely. Rather than complaining, how about fixing the stuffs yourself? It will make you and the fansubs happy, rather than complaining here and there.

    Glad chihiro do v2 ^^

  • Straw

    How do I get permissions to DL? I have everything needed to DL torrent files. When I tried to DL episode 5, I got a permissions fault from the tracker.

    PS. Thanks for all the hard work.

  • Neoru

    T_T hard to ddl in torrent and direct downlaod too how can i downlaod epi05 v2????
    anyyone help please

  • Kazuki \(^_^)/

    Can anyone perhaps tell me where I can get the Ikkitousen 05 v2 XVid AVI version. I tried your Direct Download section, but my download does not start T_T Can someone Please give me a site or a link for Megaupload version.

  • Jack

    none of the links work for me, is there a version 3 that im unaware of? id like to get this episode. thanks if anyone can help me out.

  • chan-kun

    what they said…

  • Captain

    So I know I’m incredibly late to the afterparty, but can someone provide a MU/RS link for GG5v2[XviD]?
    .mkv isn’t very kind to my computer, and torrents have long since ceased activity.
    Thanks in advance!

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