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To Love-Ru: Trouble – 23


Now then, it’s Saturday morning and we’re releasing To Love Ru. And you know what, I personally call this the faster we’ve released To Love Ru. Not time wise, no, we’ve release Thursday night. But this episode was the absolute hardest translation we’ve had to deal with. Every 2 minutes was another folktale to look up, the entire dialogue was in Edo period ancient japanese, and it was to the point where very few TLers would have been able to do this. How hard? It took our TLer 2.5 times the normal time for an episode to translate it, and he was working his butt off. So, a clap off to him.

Next point: This episode has no raw. It is a transport stream. So, demuxing this and remuxing it to zero-raws really won’t work if you do that on a regular basis. HOWEVER, this video is probably the clearest we’ve had like, ever. Yes, I know about the noise on the OP and the ED, that’s from a capping error that I’ll ask the capper. But, weighing it in, the quality is too high to discard the .ts for those 3 seconds of noise. It was fun to play with.

Penguin will be out tomorrow with any luck.

h.264: Torrent

XviD: Torrent

32 comments to To Love-Ru: Trouble – 23

  • Phillangees

    Woohoo! Am I first? So glad I didn’t go to sleep! Thanks much folks 🙂

  • Skullman

    Can’t wait for the XVID version! =D

  • xxVizardxx

    Thanks for TLR… and why didnt you guys release an .avi version for the 1st season of Penguin ?
    and are u guys gonna released an .avi version for the 2nd season ?

  • Raffle

    i hope the XviD will be up when i wake up 8D thanks Kristen

  • mindpower

    nice work!! ty!

  • nigma

    thnx for the release, but yeah u guys screwed up with the linking on the main page…might wanna fix that =D

  • 1337

    can someone explain to me why some ppl still even want xvid, even though h.264 is waaayyyyyyy better than that ??

  • WonderingWaters


    Well some people are MKV incompetent or maybe there computer sucks. There are various reasons but I dont want to get into detail or start anything. Thx for another sweet release chihiro team ^_^

  • xxVizardxx

    Scratch what I said about why you guys didn’t release an .avi version for Penguin..
    (I just remembered that u guys didn’t want to release it in .avi because it aired H.264)
    Sorry for the inconviniece =P

  • Chihiro is god

    sweet, gj chihiro :)!!!! @Phillangees: haha I know right

  • Does anybody know where i could stream & watch this on the internet?
    if you do please let me know.


  • ZaXXy

    1337 wouldn’t want a vivo file then lol (almost as old as dinosaurs fyi)

  • Nobody

    I don’t get it… so many great chapters in the manga and they make this crap… maybe I would understand it more if knew japanese history. Well thx 4 your hard work anyway!

  • Cloudsora

    Holy crap kudos to the translator (just watched the episode)

  • Chun

    I usually dl using Vuze but lately, when i try to dl any type of shows, it pops up with a failed to access torrent file due to not enough sufficient temp file space avalible, but i don’t know where to find the browser cache usage file, i’ve already cleared the cookies and stuff up in internet options… and its an open error… saying not a file :\, does anyone know the problem? its an open error for short.

  • Chun

    plus i checked other fansub sites dl’ing other animes and i had no problem, its just when i tried dl’ing from nyaatorrents that i couldn’t open them at all :\

  • MASK


    This was uhm… strange, very strange, but the end was awesome asd

  • erdvilla

    You worked hard in this episode, its a shame that too stupid, soo far 3rd in my TLR stupidest episodes :p

    But I’ve the hope thx to the 24th preview that it’ll be far better than this, having Lala in heat will be interesting XD

  • Yrag

    Firsty let me just say great work, your one of the best fansubbing groups availible at the moment.

    But sorry to sound ungrateful but you dont happen to know when you be realising the Widescreen versions of these latest episodes.

  • Chysil

    “I don’t get it… so many great chapters in the manga and they make this crap… maybe I would understand it more if knew japanese history. Well thx 4 your hard work anyway!”

    I’m pretty big on japanese history and folk tale and I still thought it was stupid… so…

  • kimiwo

    I just watched the episode and I just want to say, congratulations to the TL, it must be hard translate so many references, and I assume he is very knowledgeable about folk stories.

    Keep the good work.

  • sirabc

    Great job. I guess I’ll be the first one to mention that some of the tl notes during Mikan’s scene were displayed as dialog.

  • sirabc

    Oops. There was only one line that was wrongly displayed as a dialog in the Mikan segment. Later on, at 21:19, Sarayama is shaking his head and saying something, but there wasn’t any dialog displayed.

  • Kaizoku

    Are there any WS versions of eps 20-23? Are these it? If not, where can I get them? Sorry, but this site kinda confuses me… T_T

  • Mouse

    Thanks for all your hard work. A question, though, will a Widescreen H264 batch of the episodes be available like the XviD 1-17 batch?

  • not to be rude or anything but you know well as i do the demand DDL will never deminish xd! anyway keep up the awesome work.

  • daniel

    WHy there is no subs in To love ru 22

  • Superkipje

    Eum… Help?
    Only Hearing Sound Aint Seeing a Video at Xvid?!?! :O (i have CCCP codec The Other episode’s works fine but this one not :O

  • Superkipje

    Nvm Someone just had f*cked up my codec settings 😐 Srry! ^^

  • Interstel

    I know this questino is way late in asking. But is there any chance of a karaoke translation of the song at the beginning of each episode? Its got a great little rythythm and I’ve been wondering what its been saying.

    Especially with just a couple of episodes left.

  • Interstel

    Oh this is response to myself. It turns out that Ayako and Niceboat both did karaoke’s but there were serious differences in the translations of the song.

    Guess I would still love it if you guys did it since you’ve been doing such a great job as I’m following several series through your subbings…………


  • gir

    @ interstell: just look up the lyrics on the internet… its song so it shouldnt be too hard to find it. it tells u the song in the intro at one stage….. i think it was “forever we can make it” by thyme. anyways… thnx for upload guys

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