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Penguin Musume Heart – 13 Status

Well, it’s been 5 days, so I’m making a status thread to let you know what’s going on.

The Chinese group we were using to translate PMH, KTXP, has seemingly stopped releasing Penguin Musume. Maybe it is a harder episode or they’re stuck on the English at the start or something, but either way, they’re extremely late. As in, they used to release about 6 hours after air time for episodes 1-11, and now it’s been 4.5 days for this episode.

For J->E, it’s extremely hard to do a Penguin Musume episode. They speak slurrily, and fast, so it becomes extremely hard to hear the dialogue. Beyond that, our J->E department is already stuffed with projects, so we wouldn’t be able to add it on any time soon.

So, we have a few options right now. First is, if you’re a J->E TLer of ANY level (So long as you do the episode, we can TLC it), please contact me. By any, I mean JLPT 4, 3, 2, or 1. If a J->E TLer does not come to me, the second option is to continue to wait for Chinese subs, but I don’t know if the Chinese group just dropped it or if they’re just behind by a lot. The third, if a J->E TLer doesn’t apply and Chinese never release, is to drop the series, and we REALLY don’t want to take this option.

Anyways, I’d write out a full status thread, but our status is stuck at translating and will be until one of the forementioned things happen.

4 comments to Penguin Musume Heart – 13 Status

  • ZaXXy

    nice of ya to let us know… some ppl cuz of some technical problem never update the site out of embarrassement (prolly mispelled i know) or somesuch and you’re left to wonder… at least here even if it’s not what most folks wanna hears (or read as may be the case) ya still stick to your principals πŸ™‚

  • asd

    Dropping is too sad, this is probably the funniest anime (without the angst that the other shows got) this season…

  • Anonymous

    >J->E, it’s extremely hard to do a Penguin Musume episode

    Whatever translator told you this should be dismissed, there’s nothing THAT difficult about translating this show, anyone who’s good enough to translate anime would be able to pull it off.

  • nana

    the lack of J->E translators kills so many shows, and so many groups. its such a pain.

    im guessing this means we’ll never see penmusu dvd version either, eh?

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