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Chihiro is looking for the following:

1. A TLC.

2. A really strong editor.

3. A QCer or two

If you wish to apply, please join #Chihiro-recruits on IRC. If you wish to joint on Hayate (YOU WILL PROVIDE TLC OR NO GO), then please contact Kristen via PM.

30 comments to Recruiting!

  • DmonHiro

    Looks like it’s upgrade time for us at Chihiro. We’re trying to up the quality of all our releases.

  • MaD-EyE-MoOdY

    damn i wish i know Japanese or even this Video editing stuff however i dont know … i woudlve helped u guys but i dont think that possible xD…..good luck with ur Recruiting hunt =]

  • Good luck. I’d offer to help but unfortunately I know neither Japanese nor English.

  • Ryan

    I might try and apply for editor, that’s really all I could do here.

  • crossed

    Hmm, I could do QC, but I don’t know how I’d find the time to watch all this- I’ve already got 183 GB of unwatched material on my HD! And I’ve never bothered to figure out what I need to use IRC.

  • monsieurkirby

    ah, if only my japanese was a whole lot better >_>
    but considering i’ve managed to translated a few doujins so far already, im already better than a good majority of other people, weeeeeee ^_^

  • degen-ner-rick

    Isn’t SS-Eclipse already subbing Hayate. Didn’t you drop Zero no Tsuikama: Princess no Rondo because they were subbing it. Why pick a fight that you’ll lose.

  • mX

    if Eclipse is doing hayate i would let them do it, watched their first season and it was perfect….
    Im also looking at clannad from Eclipse and everything is very good.

    Id like to help you guys with QC, but only if you guys can learn it to me… Im also willing to do QC for other shows, if you can learn it to me ๐Ÿ˜€
    Id like to help chihiro as much as possible!

    and last: I dont know how to use IRC :s

  • Kristen

    Um… mX, I’m not going to hire you for QC because of that post.

    “if you guys can learn it to me”

    It’s “If you guys can teach it to me.” Teach is to convey info, learn is to receive. It’s a type of an error a non-native speaker would make.

  • tamashii

    Let Hayate to Eclipse, they do a very good job ^^

  • mX

    Ah okay
    Think I used learn because of my motherlanguage ๐Ÿ˜€ We don’t have “teach” only “learn”
    if there’s something i can help with, just let me know. I’m going to give my all to help you guys.
    If you change your mind and are willing to teach (hehe I learn fast ^^) me, just let me know. you can see my email, right?

  • MaD-EyE-MoOdY

    good call Kristen ^^,

  • Zig

    I don’t understand the Hayate thing too, you dropped ZnT because eclipse was subbing it but i wonder why are you doing hayate. Not like I’m telling you to drop it, simply curious why.


    I second what Zig said. I’m not telling you to drop Hayate but with that being said, Eclipse does a pretty good job with their subs. They also have a very consistent release schedule, people might be more inclined to download Hayate from them since they release quickly (and did the first season). I just think it would be more productive if you guys subbed a show that nobody else is subbing, but of course that depends on which shows you WANT to sub.

    Personally i would be happy if Chihiro subbed Hastukoi Limited (assuming nobody else will), but as i said it’s your call.

  • I could probably edit or QC ๐Ÿ˜›

  • What’s wrong with two groups doing the same series? Usually the shows that don’t have anyone subbing them are the ones that nobody wants to sub.

  • jojo

    I have a question on your banners… Who or what anime is the girl with the eye patch or is she a pirate?

  • Jonathan Doyle

    Why Hayate? Eclipse is going to do a more than stellar job on that. You could choose to work on something else, where your QUALITY can freely shine.

  • @Jojo
    The girl is Patches, she’s from Ef Tale of melodies.

  • Anon.

    Isn’t she Shindou Chihiro?

  • Good Luck ๐Ÿ™‚ I would love to help, however, I have an Internet radio station to run, an NPO, among other things, and I don’t think I would ever find the time. I have a hard time finding time to watch anime these days ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Soichiro

    Look. Hayate wasn’t a choice made based on Eclipse. It was made based on the staff liking the show. If you think all we care about is other groups, you’re deluded.

  • Krft

    That’s right Anon, she is Shindou Chihiro.

  • FiSSion

    Man, I would so love to help with QC or something (since my Japanese is not so good – self-taught) but I’ve got part-time college on top of full time work week with over 1.5 Terrabytes of unwatched anime on the side, so I don’t know where I would find the time to consistently be available. I’ve got the motivation, just not the time. ๐Ÿ™

    @SilentXenocide: o_O “I know neither Japanese nor English.” lol I’m a little confused.

  • lunatic

    I can help on editing if you want, but I’m not sure what the editor really does. If its grammatical stuff, I wouldn’t mind helping out, but if I have to use a program, I would need someone to teach it to me. I want to help you guys, but aside from school, I need something to fill my void. College life is boring, til test weeks, then its hectic… I think you know what I mean. =D

    *note: teach me IRC please, I have NO idea how to use it.

  • Cloudsora

    what exactly does a QCer do?

  • crossed

    ^ ^ Quality Checker I believe. Searches for errors like this before the final release.
    And if there are no errors, I suppose they could also serve as distribution seeders.

  • Nagasei

    I could be an editor, if you’re still looking for one. It looks like nobody’s in the IRC channel at the moment, though…

  • ram77777

    I like this site and it`s a fact that any serie that is subbed by chihiro means that is good, you do a great job. So I`m thinking if you would like to expand towards other languages besides English. For example Spanish. If you like to give it a try I can translate any current series from English to Spanish I can also help with some editing and/or rendering files. although you`r current subbing timing is good, So is the editing,
    Well If I can be of any help just tell me.
    Thanks for all the fun you`v provided see ya.

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