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Hayate no Gotoku! 2nd Season – 10-11

Ayumu is cute, isn’t she? ^.^

According to the Blu-Ray count (8 disks, with disks 1 and 5 having 2 episodes, all the others having 3), we’re presently 1/2 way through. Hehe. Hoping to catch up 2 more episodes in this before week’s end.

In unrelated news… Does anyone know if an XBox 360 emulator for PC (Windows XP, if it matters) exists? I want to play Tales of Vesperia and don’t own an XBox 360. T_T

Lastly, congrats to our lovely eye patch girl on qualifying for saimoe 2009’s main tournament!

Episode 10 720p: H!

Episode 10 480p: I!

Episode 11 720p: N!

Episode 11 480p: A!

33 comments to Hayate no Gotoku! 2nd Season – 10-11

  • Zig

    Where the fuck is Kyou no go no ni batch!!!!

  • WsE

    The original Xbox barely has a working emulator for the PC. PS2 has one afaik. Point being i’m afraid it’ll be a lot of years before there’s going to be a functioning Xbox 360 emulator. You’re better off buying the actual console. :<

  • johnaros

    Ty for the releases, no Xbox 360 emulator yet.

  • Arn

    Unrelated question:
    Are there problems with Asura Crying 13? Is the last ep. (b4 new season) so waiting is quite unbearable tbh

  • oneK

    Any news on the Asu no Yoichi DVD releases? I only got up to episode 3. Was it ever dropped? I had the widescreen version but deleted it seeing as the DVD version looked/sounded a bit better.

    And like was said before, even if an Xbox 360 emulator existed, it would be quite a few years until it could be in “playable” state. 1-3 fps wouldn’t be too much fun would it. πŸ™‚ Get the console. Only $200 and there are some great gems on it.

  • So it wont be 52 episodes like First Season?

  • Ortix

    Yes there is. But it’s freakin’ slow unless you have 4 GTX 260’s in quad sli and 8 Quadcore CPU’s running at 3,4GHz… Seriously… no pc could run that thing because it’s a bloat of software code. It takes more power to decode the game and run it through the software rather than actually having the same hardware as the xbox 360. Why don’t you rent an xbox 360? Where do you live? (country) It should be possible. If you live in Greenwich CT i can lend you mine πŸ˜‰

  • hanzo

    just wait for the ps3 version next year i hear its gonna be bigger and slightly better(according to the fanboys lol) its a fun lil gmae though so i’d just rent a console and a copy of the game and play it that way instead since its cheaper and alot easier than the current emulators.

  • Jwpmol

    The PS3 has a slightly lower resolution, but more character outfits, and,correct me if I’m wrong, extra characters.

    Not sure Kristen owns a ps3?!?
    If you do, start with Valkyria Chronicles if you havn’t done so

  • tins

    there are not even 100% working ps2 emulators, its probably going to take years till we got something for xbox 360, and i want to play tales of vesperia too ;A;
    anyways thanks for the hard work :p

  • Well the full version has not been released yet so the resolution issue might only be temporarily.

  • Taonas

    PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia comes with an extra loli to play with, you may want to wait for it.

  • Nomae

    The answer is obvious, get the PS3 version. Vesperia + loli = win

    Xbox 360 is like Xvid to PS3 h264

  • Nitrowii

    ps3 port is epic win

  • Bruno

    ps3 version is only better with a bad looking loli, but the resolution is much worse, i say the 360 version should be better, also don’t expect any 360/ps3 emulator in 10 years imo…

  • foxnewsnetwork

    Yes Kristen, get a PS3 with that magical $300+ that just magically popped up in your magically magical life… unless, of course, you already have access to a PS3, in which case my thick sarcasm backfires and makes me look like a n00b.

    also, I really hope Hayate 13 has… that…

  • Bruno

    also Tales of Graces will come to wii this winter, which will have a much better loli main character, if that’s what you want πŸ™‚ character designs also will be from the code geass manga designer and the story will be better, probably, vesperia isn’t bad but it doesn’t had a very good story

  • njstyack

    lol ToV huh….

    as i say… xbox is ok…but PS3 is better… i can tell because i have those game in both consoles (except on 360.. its a bootleg one… lol.. i dont care of being banned in Live cause Live is a shit. you need to fukin pay to go online)

    and theres a tons of new quest… and as i play, i heared new BG songs… an rather new subquest too.. and most of ALL…. there a voice over the characters… awesome..

    xbox is a shit..

  • Sarreq Teryx

    ” In unrelated news… Does anyone know if an XBox 360 emulator for PC (Windows XP, if it matters) exists? I want to play Tales of Vesperia and don’t own an XBox 360. T_T ”

    I doubt it highly, but if one does, it’s going to be extremely EXCRUCIATINGLY slooooowwwwwwww for the foreseeable future due to the fact that the 360 uses a processor which is hard to emulate on x86 hardware with any speed.

  • Nyoway

    Eh, just get a 360. That way you can also get Lost Odyssey which is an absolutely awesome RPG.

  • Wil

    Welll, I personally prefer PS3 due to the smaller control which fit better. Ninja Gaiden Sigma pretty cool… Check it up in gamespot. Hehe… I love new female character with speedy action. LOL…

  • Trekkie

    Well, i erecherched a bit, and the Result is No!
    Well, but according to an Article, some 360-Demos weree actually running on G5 PowerPcs:
    But I seriously doubt, that Microsoft will ever release an Emulator for PPCs.
    But seriously, when a PS2 can barely be emulated, a 360 is wayyy to much to handle for your PC.

    On the other Hand, a Wii-Emulator would be more realistic to handle, since the Hardware is less powerful than an 360 or PS3(even tough I’m an Wii-Owner, I still do know that, but for graphically-HQ-Gaming, I’ll rather use my PC)

  • Cirros

    Thx for the releases, however just like Arn said, I’m also wondering what happen with Asura Cryin? IIRC, there’s only one more episode to finish right?

  • Ortix

    I think chihiro fansubs is having some problems… they are falling behind with A LOT of episodes. I’ve finished hatsukoi limited well over a week ago. They still have to release the last 2 episodes (or was it three). Don’t wanna bash… i will still download your releases once they are out, but it’s rather disappointing :(.

  • Klingengeist

    Emulation hasnt much to do with the power of the original hardware, Sega Saturn has still no emulators as good (not even close) as the PSX ones. Want to play Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean… πŸ™

    I hope that i will inherit some billions like Paris Hilton (but without the whole world knowing) some day, so i can buy all video game consoles… πŸ˜‰

    Are there some ultraviolett-rays labeled EF 09-12? ^^

  • Motu


  • @wingsarise:-

    I live in Dubai @_@

    When is she coming -.-

    @Motu:- Caps are FREAKING CURSING!!

  • Noblesse_Oblige

    Thx for the release!!!

    No there is no such thing as 360 or PS3 emulator….yet….

    Kristen you wanna play Tales of Vesperia eh???

    Tales of Vesperia is announced for the PS3 with more content: side missions, full voice acting (that couldn’t fit on the 360), more side missions, costumes, new playable characters, and more…..the developers said: the 360 version was just a “beta” version…..which is retarded…allot of the 360 fans were pissed off….Meh already got the 360 version…will be buying the PS3 version of course!!!

  • -_-

    I’ll giveyou the hard facts.

    A PS3 or X-BOX 360 uses IBM POWER architecture like old macs.

    In order to Emulate a different Chip type you need a lot of processing power, it’s not like you can use translating software to pass the barrier like you can with Linux and Windows, Or (Old) Mac and Amiga.

  • Xbox 360 rules

    Just get a 360!

  • pS Guy

    A 7th generation console emulator is a little out of the question at the moment. A Vista machine with quad-core and 16GB DDR2 ram has trouble working a PS2 emulator. On the other hand, you could buy a PS3 and turn it into a computer with not too much trouble, but that seems to take away from the free prospect you were looking for.

  • anon

    unless you have a supercomputer stashed somewhere, just get a 360

    and tales of isn’t THAT good, ok but not mind blowing.

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