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Hayate no Gotoku! 2nd Season – 15

Scared Nagi is cute. ^_^

Just a note, for episodes 14 on, we’re going to be including a japanese subtitle track. Default track is still English.

Also, I think something is wrong. I’m releasing this and expecting reactions of “We want other shows!” instead of “Thank you!” Like, I shouldn’t hesitate to release something, should I?

720p: Naked lolis next week!

480p: At least by the previews.

34 comments to Hayate no Gotoku! 2nd Season – 15

  • chazzgt

    Wow I get a first comment on a show Im not watching… Oh the Irony!.

    Thanks Anyway Chihiro!

  • xeron

    Japanese subtitles FTW! Thanks for the release, though I’m not watching the show, either… lol

  • ahem

    Some people do want you to sub other shows instead…

  • deathy80

    thanks xD but i don’t really watch this show either lol

    also a big woohoo for sekirei season 2 promo, can’t wait for the season to start xD

  • phoenix923

    Awesome job Chihiro, I’ve always loved your subs. Just to bring this up though, I don’t think you ever released the SD of Episode 9 for Hayate. Unless if I’m missing something.

  • Want

    I kind of want to see Yoku Wakaru Gendai Maho…. I mean, you’re going slower than the free version of!

    I like this show too.

  • Elnoyle

    Thank you for the release. You guys are awesome

  • XMtS

    Finally more Nagi. It’s always “Hina this” and “Hina that.”

    Anyway, it’s nice to see you guys finally start getting some Hayate releases out. Also, who’s your editor for this? He’s incredible.

  • Spacessj

    Hmm I like the manga so I might pick this up later. Thanks for subbing it anyway. To be completely honest though: I also noticed there’s a whole lot of hayate&co and the others are kind of getting lonely.

    As long as the quality stays high I’ll gladly wait though ^^

    Keep up the good work

  • solari

    thnaks for the release

  • You should start releasing shows in the categories of other shows. Because it seems that the fans of each series are all watching each other’s release updates.

    Just release Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou in the Hayate category, Hatsukoi in the K-ON! category, and just go ahead and stick some random YouTube videos in the Haruhi category. Trust me, it’ll work. Everyone’s going to be like “this is great, but when are you releasing… oh wait! There it is!” And then they’ll scoot off to watch a video of a cat jumping into a box.

  • CDP5280

    Wait, WAIT! This episode has a promo for season two of Sekirei?!

  • Clessith

    Thank you Very Much

  • Axlen


  • Random

    Naked lolis next week!

    ^This better be true or… I mean you should be ashamed of yourself.

    And thanks for the release.

  • Unknownforce

    People need to stop crying about other shows and say thanks to what you are getting. After all we are getting these animes for free.

  • Modhesh

    Chihiro will sub sekirei2 right?
    anyway, thanks for the release. I’m watching hayate right now.. xD

  • xeron

    @ Axlen:
    Just because I’m bored out of my mind, lemme correct your Japanese–
    It looks like you’re trying to use 「一番」as an adjective when, in fact, it is actually an adverb.
    Proper use would be as follows:

    You need to put something after 「一番」… like 「一番いい」
    The dictionary may say that it means “best” or “number one”, etc. but DO keep in mind that it is an adverb and that you need to follow up its usage with an adjective.

    Best of luck to you learning (correct) Japanese!

  • Arkan

    want more shows! want more shows! want more shows!

    and….. lulz =D

  • Tis a shame, Yukiji is the best character in the show.

  • Hassy

    I’m looking forward to naked lolis 😛

  • Devin

    Yeah, Im not a fan of this anime and I didnt like the manga. So Ill be part of the group who will say, ” I want other shows!” >:)

  • azwald

    Princess Lover please!!!
    ask me to ask for another anime? got it

    Hey Kristen, stop doing HAYATE, just do the harem princess and DVD or BluRay version or batch of Hatsukoi

  • I want ZKC second batch. 😛

  • Bruno

    Yes, Zettai Karen children second batch please, i want to watch it while it’s summer, and i can’t have an endless summer… :[

  • JD

    Will you people shut up about other shows? They’ll do them when they do them. I’m waiting for eps from quite a few series, but you don’t see me whining about it. Know why? Because they’re doing something for free, so you have no right to complain about it. Either watch what they do and be happy, or shut up and leave.

    Thanks for another release, Chihiro!

  • ANB

    Thanks for this ep as always ur vid r the top best


    I like Hayate no Gotoku 😉

    And I agree whit JD

  • foxnewsnetwork


  • Rfan


    I might just start watching this for the subs. I’m guessing translator was essentially doing subs in Japanese/making notes in the process, anyway?

    Anyway, much, much appreciated. Great study aid and much more fun to watch for some of us.

  • Keiran


    “チヒログループの中で” Would be translated as “In Chihiro Group” Chihiro Group no naka de.

    You need to add a simple も to the end of the phrase to make it mean “among all things/above all (else).”



  • mike

    chihiro, u r about to catch up the series… please do your best!!!!! or u still planning to release epsd after 1 month airing?

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