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World Cup

Now, we all know that US is going to win the world cup. But, the bigger question is, can you?

World Cup Live Action!

67 comments to World Cup

  • Cenebi

    The argument that the US only wins “world cups” in which only they participate would hold more water if there was more than one team sport that had a true “world cup”.

    Also as to the name thing, who the hell actually cares?

  • Char

    @Ren, if you speak in foots and inches, the rational thing to say IS “wtf, why are you not using m/cm/whatever”, for a very good reason, it is called the METRIC system/INTERNATIONAL system, a logical/rational/mathematical standard unit, followed by scientists/engineers/astrophysicists/etc, the MOST rational people in the world.

  • Ren

    @Char: Using feet and inches and the term Soccer is the accepted standard in the US. You should take a look at a map sometime. The United States of America is that country in North America, you know, the one larger than all the European states combined except for Russia. It’s a fairly substantial number of people who don’t think it’s irrational to use these terms.

    Right and wrong isn’t determined by the majority vote. If it were I could get away with saying “Get with the program Europe/Africa/Asia/South America. English is the most widely dispersed language in the world. It’s the OFFICIAL language of the European Union and used around the globe in business transactions. You sound retarded when you use your native languages. lol”

  • CR vs Messi

    And English originated in England, and most European, Asain, Middle Eastern & African countries use the British Standard. Again US the odd one out. Its the rest of the world against the US, sooo dont really care what you guys think, as long as the rest of the world follows the correct terms.
    And football IS the correct term, the US just changed it, and I hear that u guys are bidding to host the next Fifa WC, I hear Bill Clinton himself is gonna submit the nomintaion. Not gonna happen. A country that doesn’t even respect the game enough to call it by its true name, hosting the game, ya and I happen to be Sherlock Holmes son 😛
    And you do realise that you guys arn’t super powers anymore, infact you guys are barely holding onto that title. Its only a matter of time, till the correct terms start getting used worldwide. The only reason why people have cared, and followed the US all this time is because of that. And China will soon take over that mantle.
    Fun Fact. The US owes more US DOLLARS to China, than any other country. Kinda sad, when you have to borrow your own currancy, to buy products

  • Ren

    America broke off from England over 200 years ago. It was America, not England that made English the international standard. It’s America, not England that exerts influence throughout the world through its military, economic and cultural power. In the post-World War era, only Russia, Japan and China came close to rivaling us in power. We don’t have global hegemony anymore but we are still a super power.

    I sense a lot of bitter Europeans in here who are angry about American dominance in the world. If we were weak we would have conformed to international standards by now. You can keep your ‘football’ lol.

  • BreeZ



  • de.monkeyz

    I’m loving how one post of a loli playing football/soccer with a link to a flash game has generated a massive hate war between Americans and everywhere else ^^

    It’s just a game

    //British and country neutral :p

  • Anon

    @Char: So what you are saying is that Soccer is obsolete?

  • Holy Christ! Think this has gone a bit too far. Yes, I dont like Football being called Soccer, and there are a few other reason y I dont like America, but seriously, I dont have anything major against the Americans, Just love football. Can we please stop the personal attacks? And i guess i apologize for startin this..Lol, never thought it’d go this far, over a name


    For the record, Ren, its not because of America that the world speaks English, It’ll be because of England. To put it simply, because half the world used to be English colonies, including America. After a while English became the standard

  • bestnone

    support the Koreans guys. they are good too

  • Shockingly. Their defense vs Brazil was amazing.

  • Char

    @Ren, you should read some books somewhere. You know those physics/mathematics books with things like N(Newton), T(Tesla), J(Joules), K(Kelvin), meters and the like? They are part of the metric system. I never questioned your country standards. Personally I agree with your other statement since “bastardisation” of all languages has been happening since the beginning of time, anyways. What I was questioning was the fact you used the world “rational” for something which it is not related. My intention wasn’t to offend anybody. The metric standard is important for various reasons that you may ask any decent mathematics/physics/etc knowledgeable person to tell you if you wish. You don’t follow scientific standards as mankind gives Latin/scientific names for every living thing for nothing. Just saying you are powerful therefore you should listen to no one sounds more like a whining child who doesn’t want to play video-games with anybody because he/she keeps losing. Funny thing you mentioned geography, since Americans are world wide known as being ignorant when it comes down to any worldly matters that don’t involve US. For anyone stupid enough to seriously think I would believe in such a frivolous stereotype, well, I guess you know what I would be suggesting.

    @GERMANY!!, I highly doubt that is the reason. During the “Roman’s Time” many people from many countries knew Latin exclusively for trade. I believe the reason many countries learning a certain language has not changed ever since, or it will ever change.

  • Raiku

    Lol, the day USA win the world cup I will eat my own poo xD

  • Blazewardog

    So this soccer/World Cup thing, thats with the Yankees right?

  • I don’t get it. France lost. That was a fast exit. I really expected that they had a great opportunity to do well in this years world cup. Maybe next time. Maybe its time to jump on the Argentina bandwagon. Looks like Demichelis has already scored. Go Argentina. To make me feel a little better from that by France, I have been listening to some funny jokes.. Here is a good one:

  • What does everybody think about the new laws that are being passed in the education sector?

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