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Sekirei ~Pure Carp~ 01 Released!

I have a few announcements, but I think I’ll explain why Sekirei is related to carps.

In episode… I guess 10, of S1, there was a scene where the characters were talking about “Koi”, aka, “Love”. Koi also can mean carp. So Musubi has a thought bubble with a fish and japanese. We were supposed to put carp over it and a tl note, but the tl note never came. So, it just randomly said carp. After seeing it, phrases like “Holy carp!” and “What the carp!” became popular.

Kanade edit: For reference-
Holy Carp!

OK, announcements:
1. We are going to drop Shiki because of time restraints. It’d be nice, but I just don’t think it’s doable with all the vacations, TL disappearances (Where are you Shurakai…), etc.
2. We will keep 4 shows. Lilpri, K-On, Sekirei, and Amagami SS.
3. Amagami SS is done except karaoke.
4. All shows this season will use ordered chapters.

720p: What

480p: the carp.

DDLs: Holy carp!

39 comments to Sekirei ~Pure Carp~ 01 Released!

  • pietra

    thanks for the update too bad you guys had to drop Shiki i would prefer if you dropped Amagami since there are good fansubs doing it ad thanks for the Sekirei episode

  • guardianx71

    Thank you for Sekirei. I really thought I’d have to make do with some subpar group:)
    Though I’d really like it if you’d keep Shiki and drop Amagami instead

  • Croviz

    Yeah Ty for Sekirei… Boo Funi!! they licensed every anime…

  • DeathReaper_84

    Drop Amagami ss instead and do shiki

    to many sub groups are already doing amagami ss

  • Soichiro

    We’ll drop what we want, thanks. We’ve never cared about other fansubs before and aren’t going to start now.

  • ZaXXy

    you guys (n gals) keep on doing w/e… as long as it doesn’t drop to engrish (like my friend sayuri used to make me work like a slave to understand) i’m fine with anything lol it’s your lives ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Modhesh

    I see. was expecting shiki, but oh well. Thanks for the release.

  • dc1293

    If you are not doing Shiki is there another group is that is definitely doing Shiki? I think you should do Shiki instead of Amagami since there are enough groups who are already subbing the show, too many.

  • what

    > dropping shiki
    > oversubbing amagami

  • guardianx71

    Just to inform you guys , you forgot the preview translation

  • Kit-Tsukasa

    what guardianx71 said.

    Also, sad to see Shiki dropped, especially since it’s already licensed by Funi. Amagami SS is already oversubbed too.

    Thanks for the release

  • Meggido

    Sad you guys aren’t doing Shiki. Hopefully another group will because at the moment it seems like no one will be picking it up from what I’ve seen.

  • aniluv

    Since shiki is licensed by funi then wait for crunchy or horrible rips then. No point subbing it.

  • Souru

    why all the people are making the same comment, stop whining.

    soichiro already said they don’t care so..

  • ingrid00

    Yeah, right! Stop asking whatever Shiki is dropped or not. Talk about Sekirei, please?
    Anyway, short question which I always ask before. Is it cencored or not, hm^^;?

    Just wondering in case somehow this season would be uncensored…..maybe not.

  • Loli Moe Mahjong!

    Emm drop Amagami and keep Shiki? Amagami is oversubbed with good groups…

  • Psyme

    I’m glad you’re going with the ordered chapters. Unfortunately, you might want to make a refresher note about the “WHY DID U CUT OUT THE OP AND ED I HATE U CHIHIRO!!!!” post, before a lot of useless carp fills up the comments sections.

  • Blazewardog

    Your the first one to mention it, I doubt it matters

  • FLY1NGT0@D

    Likely stupid question… are you still doing To Aru Kagaku no Railgun blu-rays? I ask because when I see something like, “We will keep 4 shows,” and that isn’t one of them, questions need asking.

    Yes, we are. Kristen just forgot about those. Any other ongoing bluray or DVD projects will be continued as well. However, those 4 shows listed are the only currently airing (TV broadcast) shows that we will be doing this season.

  • rdruffy

    thanks for ordered chapter ^_^
    it really saves bandwidth for me ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Erm the entire preview isn’t subbed…
    and the episode title is not translated either… >_<

    Can you please release a v2 with the preview subbed?

  • Hm… Usually don’t mind ordered chapter only when it is used for Creditless OP and ED for DVD batches. Otherwise, I personally find Ordered Chapters a little more inconvenient, especially when trying to convert into other formats.

    Editing the subs are also somehwhat of a hassle. (^.^’) Your guys subs are undoubtedly the best this season round, just don’t really care to save that few MB of space.

  • James

    OK, now they’ve officially aired the first ep, we can get down to business,lol

    thanks for the effort guys

  • sage1210

    Owww Crappp

    Is sekirei s2 only air on tokyo-mx ?

    Those fog are so anoy…

  • sage1210

    whatever, that amagami ss is surprisedly very boring show.

    but what good about shiki ?

    I saw many request it.

  • Dakon

    Is anyone else having problems with this ep?

    It’s starting normaly but as soon as the prologue is finished I’m having a frozen Image but the sound goes on. I tried to switch manuel via Haali but it’s the same. Frozen Image with sound going on…

    Anyone has a hint?

    And yeah every other ordered chapters work fine ๐Ÿ˜›

    Thx in advance

  • jadesterne

    Thank you for this release XD.
    But preview isn’t subbed and the title + next episode title isn’t translated T_T. Please, can you do v2 with preview subbed and title translated? ๐Ÿ˜€

    > +1 drop Amagami SS, amagami is oversubbed with a good groups.

    Thank you!

  • To be honest when i rea the title i thought the pun was “pure crap” until i looked closely
    thanks for the release ^_^

  • ntfd

    I seem to be having the same problem. And, yes, all the other ordered chapter releases work just fine

  • Rakka-chan

    Dropping the only good show again, of course. lol @ Chihiro

  • samuel

    Sure is butthurt in here.

  • So going to ignore everyone on top of ignoring the preview etc?
    Are you not going to do a v2 with everything subbed?
    Cause you missed doing the entire preview + titles.

    PV was missed because the pre-air didn’t have it. We shifted the times and didn’t think about the PV. v2 will come… eventually. Besides, it’s not like it’ll kill you to not get a tiny glimpse of the next episode.

  • Densebrains

    Thank you! I have been waiting to watch this for a long time.

    I’m collecting the manga… >_<" but the anime is funny to watch.

    I'm sure this season will be no different.

    Thanks again.

  • Tempus

    ya just wondering about the censored channels vs uncensored ones for this, I’m sure i missed someone already answering this.So the main question is will there be a uncensored version on this site,Just wondering cause i saw screenshots of a uncensored version floating around.

  • Tempus, there are uncensored nipples in this release in the bath scene. If that doesn’t answer your question then I don’t know what more you want.

  • The pre-air was more uncensored then this. =P

  • Elvin21

    Just wondering, why is the preview for the next episode is not subbed? Anyway thanks for Sekirei! ๐Ÿ™‚

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