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Amagami SS 05-06 Bole-Ray Released!

La la la biribiri~

720p: Biribiri~

480p: Biribiri~

6 comments to Amagami SS 05-06 Bole-Ray Released!

  • Tow3r

    oh that feels good , thank you . ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


    I love the color-rays, thank you

  • yayforkon

    Dunno if my eyes are just bad or something, but the only difference i’ve been able to spot between the rays and the normals are slightly more defined colours and stuff? Kinda like more obvious little details such as sweat or something…

    Am I missing something?

  • Fanofde4ever

    @yayforkon- The BDs are slightly better, but not much. That’s why we’re not releasing 1080p. It looks so bad it’s pointless.

  • Missing

    Hey watched a little bit of these ep’s and still had timing issues when player flips back and forth between the main file and the op and ed files. “Sound, subs, and video timings go wacky and all do there own thing” I can fix by pulling the time line bar back a few seconds but i dont want that to be my fix. any help would be great.

  • Kristen

    Best suggestion is to use MPC’s embedded FLAC support instead of FFDShow’s.

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