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Hoshizora 05-06 Released!

I guess no one in Chihiro realized that Doki released these. Anyway, here they are now, on our site. Go download them.

05 720p: Torrent [DDL]

05 480p: Torrent [DDL]

06 720p: Torrent [DDL]

06 480p: Torrent [DDL]

6 comments to Hoshizora 05-06 Released!

  • tow3r

    Thanks as always .
    Still i cannot see the point of this series , but whatever

  • Seimoru

    I guess I should change my name to no one than, since i grabbed them from the Doki site yesterday.

    Thanks anyway for your work

  • ZeroYuki

    I think he is referring to the chihiro staff members.

  • Spincast

    Thanks for your work Chihiro staff! xD

  • Densebrains

    Thank you! I love this series so much and the subs you create are the best!

  • Densebrains

    I have been checking the translations for the titles for the next episode that are shown towards the end of the current episode and I am stuck at the translation for ツッコミは___で! for episode 8.

    After watching episode 8 this morning I am given the impression that ツッコミ could mean “counter” (as in a counter attack, just like in boxing) but would the translation be correct?

    If that is the case would the translated title for episode 8 be: The Counter Attack is ___ !

    Kazuma-kun says ツッコミは足じゃなくてせめて裏拳おねがいします after he is kicked by Ibuki-chan so would Kazuma mean that: The counter is not a leg thrust but at least a backfist please.

    Just trying to do better in my Japanese translations… I have searched around for all possible translations before settling on asking the correctness of this one…

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