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Important notification (A.k.a. F— Paypal)

If you donated to us in the past few days, we’re going to have to refund your money. All of it. Paypal, being the bastards they are, limited my account with all the donation money, making it unaccessable. The only thing I can do that would be remotely useful is to refund it. We’ll probably be opening up donations again in a few days using a service that sucks significantly less than Paypal, so watch for it.

Edit: As a final “fuck you” from the staff at Paypal, they charged me 30 cents in fees for every transaction that I refunded. As such, if your donation was $2.50 or less, I couldn’t afford to refund it. As it stands, they already charged me out of my bank account for part of the final $5 transaction. So, basically, what I’m saying here is, Paypal is the worst business I’ve ever dealt with. I’ve seen Mafia families that fuck over their clients less than this. I hope Paypal contracts ebola virus and dies.

27 comments to Important notification (A.k.a. F— Paypal)

  • xstar

    😀 let the months continue to FLOW!

  • ravegrunt

    Careful with Google Checkout too…they have issues with donations only!

  • Spincast

    This is like the 5th time i see this kind of issues with paypal… what on earth?

  • Soichiro

    I get this feeling that Paypal has a hit out on fansubbers. Like, seriously.

  • Anon

    Paypal was always the contentmafias’ illegitimate child. No need to say more.

  • kiru

    Receiving lots of money in a short time frame might be problem. I think it’s rather known that they dislike people getting lots of money quickly, be it “donations” or payment, provided it’s a normal account. (Although in theory they just check if everything is legal and if it is, there isn’t a problem. While that works in some cases, it obviously doesn’t at all)
    Also there is the 2500cap per year… so if by any chance your account got over that… well. Reading the AGB helps. It obviously still sucks.

  • Moose

    It’s 2011, and you’re just now learning that Paypal sucks? Where have you been?

  • Soichiro

    Oh no, I’ve known that they suck. I just didn’t realize HOW MUCH they suck.

  • compman60

    Sorry to hear about your Paypal problems. I see I received my refund from you. As soon as you post about how we can redonate I’ll be sure to donate again, hopefully with a little more this time.

  • yepperoni

    How did you setup the donation form? Was it an actual donation button? Did you have a verified account? If you aren’t verified, you can only take a limited amount of money from your account before they start limiting you to prevent fraud, scams, and other crap.

    PayPal generally is good at protecting user’s accounts. Perhaps the sudden amount of donations triggered a red flag?

  • Good on you paypal! Limiting the accounts of groups who don’t deserve a donation (such as THORA).

  • TC

    That’s good—actually it’s bad overall—I got the refund message before I saw this post so I was a little bit offended, thinking, essentially, “Does Chihiro think they’re too good for my money now?” So it’s good that it wasn’t Chihiro’s fault. I’ve heard of people using Amazon successfully. When you guys set up something else, put an note up about it and I’ll pay you back the fee for the refund.

  • Reynard

    Sorry to hear that… So how can we donate now? Awaiting further updates from you.

  • thats why i hated the japanese figure/hobby sites when they start using paypal :/

    i really really prefer credit cards direct transaction for those due to paypal being well, paypal. anyways good luck on your future donation drives

  • I will be more than willing to assist you on how to resolve your issue with PayPal. I have experience on why they did it and what needs to be done to correct it. Sad to hear you are having a negative experience. I see other sites similar to this one processing the same types of payments. I have been a real big fan of your commitment.

  • foozlesprite

    I’ve had horrible issues with Paypal too. First, I lost my password somehow, and their system wouldn’t recognize that I was me, because somehow my bank account number had gotten changed by someone that wasn’t me (hacker?). Three calls to Paypal and one call to my bank later, I finally got it fixed.

    And then….my fiance’s Paypal account was hacked and someone stole about $1000 bucks from us…which we didn’t have in checking at the time…and caused our bank account to be overdrawn and closed….Eventually, our bank had to fix the problem because Paypal wouldn’t.

  • oblibion

    lets make a Ddos atack on paypal!!!!!!!

  • Confused Otaku

    just like yepperoni said, i heard you need to get verified too to get rid of the limitation.

  • To be rid of the limitation and if your are not a non-profit and you have not receive the email about refund or hold of 6 months and to use the donate button.

    You would need to see if you premier or business account information is set to the correct business type.

    Second you would need to explain how you are planning to use your account and types of payments you intend to process.

    If you continue to use donations explain how the funds are going to be used.

    Submit a statement through the resolution center by uploading by hitting resolve next to either steps if it is a non-profit review.

    Proof of tax exempt
    Voided check or bank statement
    Or organization and payment information

    Button will take you to same spot to upload files or faxing

    Faxing takes 24-48 hours use coversheet if you want to fax.

    Fastest is uploading accepts jpeg, gif, png, or pdf

    Attaches within the hour the case is reviewed 24-72 hours.

    Last resort email to [email protected] with the pp-000-000-000-000 number you have.

    Who ever told you to refund the payments should not need to and even if you wanted to you could had PayPal reverse the payment waiving the thirty cents.

    I am only assuming if this is the limitation with these steps from above.

    I hope this will help you in your endeavor.

    I have had experience with this first hand and would like to be of assistance.

  • Sirenian

    the private RO server that i play ran into similar problems with paypal over the amount of donation money they were receiving and paypal decided to freeze their account, they ended up switching their donation method over to Amazon Payments which i have used to donate to them and it seems to have turned out fairly well overall for them and me… just a random suggestion

  • eternia

    oh, come on, we know that paypal got bribed by the Japanese companies to bully fansubbers.

  • hihi


    use alertpay or moneybookers.

    gaypal is bad.

  • A.Crush

    Paypal sucks, and their fees are really something, but they have a near-monopoly on online payments and credit cards due to their previous relationship with and now being part of ebay.

    Not much is going to change until there are more popular advertising-based free payment sites, and possibly some sort of legislation requiring them to allow the transfer of funds between them. Until then paypal stays the only major player and shuts out competition. It’d probably help if there were some other major auction/online selling site besides ebay, too.

    But I’m sure you can find something with low or no fees just for donations.

  • Otakus

    only good for ebay and amiami, though i really wish thered be another service that would gain power over paypal

  • xstar

    How are you guys as far as donations go?

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