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Fortune Arterial Sinopia-Ray Batch Released!

And done! Now I just have the last TWGOK BD to go! Woot!

720p: Shiro, make me tea. |Β MU |Β FS

24 comments to Fortune Arterial Sinopia-Ray Batch Released!

  • Gar

    Are they K-ON ones someone else’s job?

  • Iron Sand-G

    Yay!! Thanks for Finishing!!!!! πŸ˜€

  • anonrap

    why the heck don’t you release TWGOK first??!!… I HAD TO CHEAT ON YOU WITH CHIHIRO xD

  • kyonyan

    You’re missing an ED there. πŸ˜‰

  • Kristen

    I did what I could find on the discs. One or two were repeated too.

  • Kel

    No OVA? That’s odd.

  • Sv

    No ED2 in the bath

  • Sarreq Teryx

    “An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by it’s access permissions.”
    any clue as to why I might get this on minglong’s tracker? I’m using uTorrent 2.2.1

  • kyonyan

    Hmm, I remember to download ED2 before, but it’s not included in the batch.

  • Blanchimont

    “Hmm, I remember to download ED2 before, but it’s not included in the batch.”

    This one? => [Chihiro]_Fortune_Arterial_-_ED2_[1280x720_H.264_AAC][A42C7F5F].mkv

    Any reason it wasn’t included? Duplicate of one of the other endings?

  • kyonyan

    No, this one: [Chihiro]_Fortune_Arterial_-_ED2_[1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC][8FE648F9].mkv
    I think yours is the TV version, which I didn’t download.

  • kyonyan

    Hmm, it’s also in the FS link list – oh well, CRC matches with the one I already have, so no need to redownload.

  • Kristen

    I must’ve forgotten to include it. lol.

  • Kel

    I’ve gotta ask: what the heck is the difference among all these endings?

  • Kuzu

    Different parts are sung by different singers, different arrangements, etc.
    Ep 1-3 and 11 uses “the origin” version found on the, well, album
    Ep 4-5 uses the “Aoi to misuzu” version
    Ep 6 and 10 uses “Gt.ver. misuzu to Aoi”
    Ep 7 uses “Gt.ver. Aoi to misuzu”
    Ep 8 uses “misuzu solo”
    Ep 9 uses “Aoi solo”
    and the OAD uses “Lia solo” found on the OP single.

  • Mon

    Will the missing ed be added?

  • mati.piano

    Any chance for working torrent with OVA and ED2??

  • zevilknight

    there a problem in episode 6 at the end before the ending, the screen stop like 2 sec but the audio continue (sometime it repeat the same frame from the last 2 sec before those 2 sec). Using cccp 2010-10-10 include mpc-hc. Also it crash ep 8, 9 & 10 when playing the opening (maybe problem from ffdshow include in cccp because it play fine using coreavc).

  • Kel

    zevilknight, you’re right. I can’t play those episodes without crashing also.

    I only have CCCP and run it on the stock settings. I have no idea what’s causing the error. Please help!

  • Kel

    For me, it doesn’t crash though. I’ve disabled FLAC audio decoding (without that, it used to crash and say that the error resulted from libavcodec.dll). It no longer crashes, but the audio plays but the video does not.

  • Kel

    Oh, and I tried installing the latest version of Haali. That didn’t make any difference either. I’ve also re-installed the CCCP with stock settings. That didn’t help either.

  • Kel

    Solved. I had to download and install the latest version of ffdshow.

    Zevilknight, download the latest version of ffdshow (make sure you get the right one for your CPU settings. I don’t have a 64-bit system so I got the 5-30 MMX version).

    They should really update the damn CCCP. Kristen, you might also want to update for FAQ to note that people might have to install the latest version of ffdshow since the friggin’ CCCP is getting old.

  • Mon

    Since, the batch torrent is missing the ending. Does that mean we should dl it from the other torrent (the separate bd releases)? If so, would anyone be so kind as to tell me which one of the bd release contains ED2?

  • Calintz

    Can someone seed this 720p torrent for Fortune Arterial?

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