So by now, all good lolis should have nice pretty toys under their trees wrapped in all sorts of sparkly paper. And then they’ll eat cookies, sing carols, and watch a Yule Log on TV. Yes, it’s that time again. So all mall santas should say Ho Ho Ho (Outlawed in Australia because it’s offensive to women) and enjoy the most fattening time of the year!
We always try to get a release out around now, and we seriously tried for Haganai and Mashiro Iro, but alas, it was not meant to be. So we released some K-On! for you yesterday. Enjoy~
Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!! Kristen
and all others 😀
May I have a loli from you as Christmas present? lol
Merry Christmas Kristen.
is that really true about Australia and the ho ho ho thing? i can belive it since some people get way too worked up over stuff like that, but i wouldn’t know how to fact check that.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ メリークリスマス
Merry Christmas Chihiro staff and fan community. DFC’s for one and all!
Merry Christmas
Ho, ho, ho.
Me and Chihiro, and mistletoe.
A Merry Christmas to you all! It’s already the 26th where I live though…