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Working!! Quartz ray Released!

Shout out to Black Rainbow who worked for months on this project. Couldn’t have done it without him doing everything. 480p since he wanted to make one.

1080p: Someone! | Episode 6 patch

720p: One! | Episode 6 patch

480p: One! | Episode 6 patch





Note: v2 Batch torrent available here.

31 comments to Working!! Quartz ray Released!

  • someguy

    wtf, didn’t see this coming
    good job

  • poto

    So this is Working!!, the first season and not the second season, right?
    It’s the third season.

  • saku

    Yay!~ love this show! Thankyou!

  • squall0833

    wow, didn’t expect this


  • jlkljkl

    will you ever be doing the second season bds, either here or as coalgirls?

  • Jay-kun

    Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • wolfmaniac

    man!! you guys are awesome. Thanks for the 1080p release. It made my day.

  • miracles

    It this hi10p show or 8bit ?

  • Pzc

    At last, been waiting for this !
    Great to see it released =D

  • There’s some errors in episode 6 (so far) will there be fixes in the future?

  • piopio

    about the errors in episode 6, can you describe? it’s easy if you poit out what you are experiencing…
    btw, I’m pleased to dee MU links ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Quiz

    Ep 6 problem Izumi dialogue isn’t subbed and one short line of text regarding loneliness is displayed , this is either missing some subbed dialogue or a timing problem. Timed between 05:30 until approx 07:00 mins (without titles timing)

  • Quiz

    Just to mention I have the 480 release

  • A careless mistake on my part. It was caused by a bug in Aegisub where it sometimes selects four lines instead of one. I didn’t notice and overwrote that one line over three others.

    Patches here:
    1080p –
    720p –
    480p –

  • Quiz

    Thanks for the fix ep6 sorted.

    Out of interest is it due to simulcast that you aren’t subbing season 2 or will you be doing DVD/blueray for this. Simulcast is only available to a very limited few countries (without kidding the system and going through proxy providers) Simulcast seems to ignore the Global nature of the net.

    Thanks for subbing Working, I would like all seasons from the same group for consistency

  • Loki

    I got confused by the title & thought it’s the batch for Working!! instead of Working!

  • saku

    @Loki Working!! is season 1. Working’!! is season 2. confusing isn’t it?

  • Loki

    I see, I always thought Season 1 is represented by a ! while Season 2 is !!

  • Anonymous

    Will you have season 2 in 1080p soon?

  • headofclass

    MotherF’s made me re-dl season 1

  • Fat

    How does this compare to the release from tlacatlc6?

  • Anonymous

    “How does this compare to the release from tlacatlc6?”

    It’s better. I have both Tlacatlc6 and Chihiro’s releases and I can say that the Chihiro release was better.

    (1) subs: I’m not sure what sub’s Tlacatlc6 used, but they modified it liberally, and I mean liberally and decided to add their own interpretation of things. For example, when Satou calls Souma weird in ep01, they subbed it as “are you on drugs?” I only understand a few phrases in Japanese and even I knew that this wasn’t right =\

    Subs of course are more of a preference. What sealed the deal for me was….

    (2) The encoding: The encoding issue was actually more important to me than the subs since I can just edit and remux the Tlacatlc6 subs if I wanted to.

    Tlacatlc6′ used some settings and filters when encoding their release that introduced alot of blocking and color banding in the video. Compared to the 480p and (rare) 720p TV releases, the quality is still better of course. But Chihiro did a much better job of encoding their release.

    At first glance, Tlacatlc6’s release looks more vibrant during bright scenes, but once you get into any scenes with dark colors, you will notice the color banding and blocking issues caused by the settings that they used,a and for me it’s very distracting. Unfortunately, this is also the case with their Season 2 encodes, more apparent on the 720p version than the 1080p version, but not much of an improvement over the horriblesub rips,

    So overall chihiro’s release is better. The translation is better and easier to read (in terms of flow) and of course the video encoding is better. Also, on top of the episodes having better video quality, they also were smaller in size. Plus Chihiro’s karaoke subbing was amazing! I thought it was hard subbed at first and was glad when I realized they weren’t!

  • Ozzmunch

    Will you be doing Working’!! (season 2) and in 1080p?

  • Jay

    Please do the second season in bluray, the other group tlacatlc6 is doing awful translations that makes the jokes in the second season not funny. Please Chihiro, you are the one that gave us the season 1 of working in a very funny and excellent release, please do season 2, douka onegaishimasu!

    What’s wrong with tlacatlc6? He’s using m.3.3.w subs which should be fine. Have you tried FFFpeeps?

  • Kas

    I know I’m kinda late to the party, but does anyone still have the ep 6 patch? The mediafire links are dead =p

  • Rei

    I am confused if this is season 2 then where is season 1?

    This is the 1st season.

  • Tatsh

    Any chance somebody can seed this?

  • hosumagidenseyler

    Reupload patches please…

  • Black Rainbow

    Patches have been added to the post for more permanentness.

  • hosumagidenseyler

    Speedy… Thanx a lot.

  • jaysaints

    I should probably not ask this because this is an old release but episode 3 of working bd 720p has an editing error @19:43-19-44, the frames @19:33 repeats and a little from 19:42 as well, might have been a mistake in editing, a sudden drag in the timeline in the video editor is what’s most likely caused this.

    Yeah, that’s too old now for us to fix, as we don’t have the BDMVs anymore, sorry.

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