Yeah, sorry this is late. Our translator was stuck doing a lot of RL paperwork.
As promised, this is in a batch of 1-12 which corrects consistency issues. The next batch will be either 1-23, 1-24, or 1-25, depending on where they place OP2. My guess is that it’ll be 1-24.
In other news, a lot of us are going to be playing TERA, so we may be a bit slow. We’re playing on the Frost Reach server, in the League of Lolis guild, so come join us!
is there going to be a patch?
I didn’t know you guys were on the same server/guild as doki ๐
We aren’t. They have decided to claim our guild as their own. Blazewardog made the guild, and then offered to let Doki members join it. They just decided to make a post on their site claiming it as theirs.
its a trap, dont join!!
Well, the two groups are friends, and many of the staff from both groups like Lolis, so, well… ; )
@confused otaku seconded, I’d seed from the original files if there was a patch
Thanks! ๐
Can a lovable, yet tubby, rabbit-man hybrid who heals also join a Loli guild? D:
I’m assuming a majority (if not all) of you are Elins… O.o;
Not all of them are, but many of them indeed…
this episode is suppose to be Reika episode … but I don’t see much Reika >.> … it’s more like Candy episode >.<
I made some patches since no one seemed to notice the request. Sorry it took so long. Very little change in the files.