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So, I meant to post this over the weekend, but I was playing Tera like every other Chihiro staff members. But anyway, as you probably guessed, the winner, with 387 votes over 249, is A Certain Biribiri Railgun. 😀 Now we know to sub Railgun season 2, if such a thing ever exists. (Note: JC Staff, based on these poll results, you should make a Railgun season 2 and make lots of money. Just sayin’.)

Lenmaer edit: Not every Chihiro staff members plays Tera or even video-games at all ^^.

Fanofde4ever edit: I play video games, but not Tera. We are in the minority now though, Lemons.

Kuzu edit: I still don’t get the point of this.

12 comments to APRIL ASYLUM = OVER

  • Schezza

    Diablo 3! 15 days left!

  • =(

    Glad railgun won, but I was rooting for TWGOK from the start.

  • confused otaku

    My problem with with Railgun is the presence of Touma … . he get in the way of Kuroko and Biri Biri … If this were going to be a real yuri anime then I’ll love it for sure >.>

  • TERA EU - Ess- nobudy

    Good to hear some good guys playing the game

  • squall0833

    As expected, Railgun won 😀

    squall0833 Says:
    April 25th, 2012 at 3:22 am
    btw I voted for K-On, but the winner will be Railgun, I can see the future….

    squall0833 Says:
    April 25th, 2012 at 1:24 am
    @itsnotmyfault hahaha, see, I told you all, it would be K-On and Railgun!!
    but this time I’ve to make a vote between them. both of them are great, so uh, I vote for K-On this time

    squall0833 Says:
    April 17th, 2012 at 10:53 am
    I bet K-On or Railgun lol

    squall0833 Says:
    April 21st, 2012 at 1:08 am
    See I told ya,

    K-On and Railgun gonna make it

    I’m supporting these two anime

  • Rokudaime

    Yes yes, squall, you’re amazing…..Like, psychic or something……

  • Rokudaime

    In other news, while I am not very thrilled with how this poll has gone, I am at least happy that Railgun beat K-ON!

  • AF94608x10E7

    I guess not EVERYONE likes K-ON that much, all I can do now is watch Railgun and see why it won!… ¬_¬

  • squall0833

    I like Railgun this sidestory more than the main series majutsu no index though

  • Ovindel

    “Hanate kokoro ni kizanda yume wo mirai sae okizari ni shite…..”
    Every time I think about Railgun, fripSide pops up in my head. The anime itself is pretty nice too, I approve of this.

  • NekoZabuza

    I somehow I knew when kami sama no memo-chou lost…. railgun was gonna win. but anyways… I play video games on the Xbox 360 tag is NekoObito. send me a message you are from chihiro and I might add you. my current friends list is pretty small anyways…..

  • CP

    “I like Railgun this sidestory more than the main series majutsu no index though”
    Manga licensors seems to think the same. Seven Seas’ edition of Railgun is very nice, but I’m still waiting for Index…

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