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thanks for the show!
gekkan shoujo incoming?
Soon, there’s a lot of TSing on that show.
thanks~ ^^
Nice on Gekkan Shoujo left. This show deserves good subs, Underwater and Sekai are falling behind. You guys need to keep up.
And there was much rejoicing!
Any chance on when the next episode might come out?
Any word on ep 7?
7, 8 & 9 should come out together, the sooner the better.
Thanks, looking forward to the next eps!
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thanks for the show!
gekkan shoujo incoming?
Soon, there’s a lot of TSing on that show.
thanks~ ^^
Nice on Gekkan Shoujo left. This show deserves good subs, Underwater and Sekai are falling behind. You guys need to keep up.
And there was much rejoicing!
Any chance on when the next episode might come out?
Any word on ep 7?
7, 8 & 9 should come out together, the sooner the better.
Thanks, looking forward to the next eps!