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Masou Gakuen HxH – 09

masougakuen09-720p-premux[5F853229].mkv_snapshot_13.02_[2016.09.03_18.20.35]( BDSM ; )
S&M vs BDSM! Which is better?
Eros! | Heart Hybrid

P.S. We’re looking TL/TLC and QCers so many more titles can be released by us! But even if you are not, you are more than welcome to join us!
P.P.S. This release was late because of the great Japan’s need for the cool fade between the scenes in one of the signs. The animation isn’t that great and so needs a lot of touch ups, and the studio probably needs like 1 hour to decide on the consistency for the English spelling of names and etc. We bear doing this show despite these annoyances and the copypasta story.The delays for the last two episodes were my fault. I would like to ask you to support us on the side so many others can download our releases. You can provide donations using either Flattr or PayPal. In the future we will avoid picking shows from the studio and producers behind Masou Gakuen HxH!

6 comments to Masou Gakuen HxH – 09

  • ChaoticThinker

    “the copypasta story”

    -This should make that statement irrelevant and outright slander false.

    “Animation argument”

    -Hey Studio IMS is doing two anime simultaneously, mistakes are bound to happen. given we have 09 episodes we should be praising the mistakes are little and spread over like 2 – 3 episodes. No studio can walk away un scratched when doing too much work.

    Episode 1 – 4, 6 and 9 had the best animation ever. Episode 5 had a little stumble and 7 & 8 there were some little inconsistencies mostly not absolutely having to do with in between animation and far away shots.

    • Doing two shows isn’t really an excuse, other studios like J.C Staff do two or three shows per season and they manage those well. There are many studios doing more than one show per season.
      They’re paid for a job, so no excuses. They should have left it for another studio if they knew they couldn’t deliver.
      What’s really not excusable here is the overall inconsistency in the signs, it’s like each person working on that show came up with their own english translation. So you have Yurishia on some signs, Julicia on others, Gravel on some and Grabel on others, etc.
      And of course the overall animation isn’t quite exemplar, either.

  • monstervong

    I think you guys should ditch the paypal donate button. Sallysubs just got f*cked over by paypal through that donation button.

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