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Shinmai Maou no Testament Blu-ray Batch

This show actually was pretty much all done before I came back, primarily needing OP/ED shifts (which I did), a few fixes, and muxes. So pretty much all credit is to the original staff.

Hoping to have BURST done in a week to a week and a half, but that has literally no work done on it presently, so it might take longer. It’s also second BD priority currently, not first.

Included are the ONA (labeled episode 13), specials, extra scenes (in each episode), and uncensored boobs. 1080p only unless the encoder yells at me.

1080p Torrent

6 comments to Shinmai Maou no Testament Blu-ray Batch

  • Shin

    Thanks for the batch. Btw as for the BURST, do you have any ETA? I hope you’re planning to do “Departures” as well since there’s no good subs for the movie.

    Unrelated, but do you guys have any plans for re-doing The World God Only Knows all 3 seasons?

    • Kristen

      Burst – My aim is 7/10, but that depends on if the OAD is ready.
      Departures – That’s later.

      TWGOK – Redo, no. We do have plans to release a S3 BD.

  • Shin

    Hopefully before the end of the year. So any other BDs coming besides the newer shows that you’ve been doing?

    Ah, I see. I was hoping that you’d revisit that series because besides the OVAs, entire series is hardsubbed. Still, thanks for considering doing Goddess Arc. Vivid did a good job on S3, but looking forward to your release.

  • Rlex

    I love you, Kristen. I’m so thrilled the backlog is getting done, been hoping for these shows forever, and the news on BURST is insanely awesome. You guys rock!

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