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Hataraku Maou-sama! 04

Loli Emilia is cute!

1080p Torrent

4 comments to Hataraku Maou-sama! 04

  • Fanofde4ever

    Emilia is best girl, and I will fight you on this one, Kristen!

    • Kristen

      I currently have her pegged as best girl. Now get back to blowing on my CPU!

      • Fanofde4ever

        Really? I figured you’d prefer Chiho. She gives off more Kazumi Yoshida vibes.

        • Kristen

          Interesting parallel. Kazumi was someone who knew Yuji, loved him, and was kind to him from the time when she was a kid. Chiho on the other hand only knew Maou for a short time. She also seems more self-centered than Kazumi, more wanting him as a boyfriend as opposed to wanting his happiness with her.
          On the flip side, Shana was unnecessarily abusive to Yuji. Because she was too tsun, she acted like a spoiled brat instead of showing any gratitude or care towards him. Emilia has her moments, but she does care about his wellbeing and is nice when need be.

          So while I see the similarities, it’s not the same situation.

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