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Hataraku Maou-sama!! 24

Best girl in the middle.

And that’s it for this series! Thanks to the staff who worked on it and got all caught up before the season ended.

At this point we’re ready to announce that we are currently planning to work on 2 series in the fall: Goblin Slayer II and a second […]

Hataraku Maou-sama!! 23

And just like that we are one Suzuno fangirl post episode away from the end. Great job to everyone on catching up with this!

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Hataraku Maou-sama!! 22

She’s funny, she has the best hair color in the best hair style, she wears a kimono, and she is good with animals? Is there anything to not like about Suzuno?

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Hataraku Maou-sama!! 20-21

Potatoe Potato.

Episode 20 | Episode 21

Hataraku Maou-sama!! 19

Hm, could it be… we’re caught up on this series?

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Hataraku Maou-sama!! 18

Flying loli? Flying loli.

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Hataraku Maou-sama!! 17

What the flying hell?!

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Hataraku Maou-sama!! 16

No Suzuno bias, no way!

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PS – We’ll be mostly caught up soon on this!

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